
10 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Not Eating

10 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Not Eating

Often times healthy looking can dogs stop eating, and this can cause their owners to panic. There could be several reasons or issues why your dog is refusing to eat. Some of those issues could be very familiar and easy to deal with, while others may need special attention. Here are 10 reasons that can explain why grooming for dog is not eating and what you can do about it.

1) If your dog is feeling ill or sick, then chances are high that your pet is not well. In such cases, a dog not only shows loss of appetite, but he sleeps more often and does not show any energy. If you notice the same signs in your dog, you should consult a vet without any delay.

2) A vaccine is another potential reason your pet may lose its appetite. If your dog recently had a vaccination, there is reason to worry as long as they starting eating within a few days. If your dog is not eating after two or three days you should consult the vet quickly.

3) A move to a new location, then also it can kill your dog’s appetite. Dogs can get nervous in unfamiliar surroundings, which at times can cause them to not eat. This will usually resolve itself in a few days. If not, consult your vet.

4) A change in pet food can also cause your dog to stop eating. Some dogs are picky eaters and will only eat what they are used to. If after a few days, your dog still won’t eat the new food, you may have to switch back to what your dog prefers.

5) As any dog lover knows, dogs can sometimes eat things they are not supposed to. IT can cause an upset stomach or even bother the dog for a few days. Make sure they have plenty of water if they do get into something (as long as it isn’t poisonous) and they should be back to eating in a day or so.

6) Something as small as a schedule change could cause the dog not to eat. It is not easy for pets to shift their biological clock to match the new schedule. If your dog doesn’t eat after a major schedule change, try gradually shifting to the new one.

7) Some dogs won’t eat if they are separated from their owner. Many dog owners come home to find that their dog sitter, or kennel, tells them that the dog barely ate while they were gone. In this situation, there is little you can do other than coming home to your pet.

8) When dog’s get older, they may lose their appetite due to health issues. Also, if they have dental problems, they may refuse to eat foods that that they usually would eat. In this case, you should change your dog’s diet to fit a more senior dog.

9) Introducing a new pet into your home is another reason your dog might not eat. If you just got a new pet in your home, give your dog some time to adjust and he should start eating in a few days.

10) Dogs can get constipated. It can cause acute stomach pain, and they may feel dehydrated as well. In such cases, they would avoid eating anything. You can talk to your vet about this situation, and get the right treatment.

These are the ten most common reasons a dog may refuse to eat. Most of these problems should clear up in a day or two, but if your dog still won’t eat after two days, you should visit a vet right away.