
4 Causes Of Completely Preventable Motorcycle Accidents

4 Causes Of Completely Preventable Motorcycle Accidents

The risk of getting hurt or dying in a motorcycle accident is significantly higher than dying in a car accident. Fortunately, you may be able to avoid an accident by using common sense and learning basic motorcycle safety skills.

High Speeds in Poor Conditions

Ideally, you will ride at or below the posted speed limit wherever you happen to be traveling. However, you can still be going too fast for road conditions even if you aren’t speeding. It is recommended that you reduce your speed by up to 50% when riding on snowy or wet roads. Therefore, if you typically ride at 60 miles per hour on a given road or highway, you should only ride at 30 miles per hour when it’s wet or snowing out.

Riding Under the Influence

Drinking alcohol, using controlled substances or taking prescription medications can negatively impact your reaction time while operating your motorcycle. This may result in riding at excessive speeds or a failure to obey traffic control signs. In the event that you are hurt by an impaired driver, it may be a good idea to speak with a personal injury lawyer.

Unfamiliar with the Roads

It can be dangerous to not slow down as you approach a bend in the road. However, if this is your first time on a particular stretch of terrain, you may not realize that the road is curving until it is too late. If you are riding on a road for the first time, it may be a good idea to see it on a map first. This can tell you if there are any obstacles to watch for or other challenges to account for ahead of time.

The Bike Is Wrong for You

It is important that you ride a bike that is not too big or heavy to control. Otherwise, it may not be possible to ride it safely. You should spend time test driving motorcycles to get a feel for how they handle and maneuver before buying one. An experienced rider may be able to provide insight into which bikes may be safest to operate.

If you have just started riding a motorcycle, it may be a good idea to ride with others who have months or years of experience doing so. They can teach you how to ride at a proper speed or take other steps to ensure that you aren’t involved in an accident that could have been avoided.