
4 Pieces Of Technology That Are Helping Improve The Lives Of The Elderly

Juggling everyday life as we get older continues to become more and more difficult, especially as our bodies slowly become limited. Once we become dependent on medication and regular care visits, it can start to become scary as we start to feel as though we are losing threads of our independence. There are, however, ways that we can combat such a feat and it is with technology. Technology is becoming vastly more complicated beyond its own good, but it is becoming simple and easier to use with a lot of one touch systems.

Technology is no longer needed to be for those who are young and active, as seniors can now benefit from it making it extremely beneficial to our everyday lives. Below we’ve listed 5 pieces of technology that is benefitting the lives of the elderly.


We start with a piece of technology that was hugely successful in America and now seen its boasted around the UK. GrandCare is a system that provides remote assisted living, elderly care and the opportunity for the elderly to regain their independence. It offers a simple one touch system, which in turn will cause any stress and helps reassure family members that live away from their loved ones. Not only is it available for individual families, but caregivers and care homes are now taking the simplistic machine on board which is helping them save time.


FitBit is one of the most simplistic devices that has been around and yet it could be so beneficial to the lives of the elderly. FitBits can encourage to take up an active lifestyle and we are regularly told, increasing your levels of productivity can cure a lot of symptoms. This is turn will encourage a purer, more efficient lifestyle where you are healthier and striving to get out and record your activity. If you aren’t as active as you would like then FitBit is exactly what you need.


Paro was initially created in order to provide a therapeutic balance to a seniors lifestyle. The therapeutic lifestyle is encouraged by Paro, which mirrors the movements of a pet. This, in turn, helps them stay occupied during your lonely hours, especially as you don’t have the on-going maintenance!

TV Ears

TV Ears was designed for the elderly who have suffered from the loss of hearing in recent times. It’s a beautifully crafted device that is placed under the chin and helps the elderly feel apart of the family again. There is no need to have the volume turned up so it is uncomfortable and it offers the chance for you to enjoy TV with your grandparents. There’s nothing they will miss anymore and it makes you feel as though you are part of the experience for sure.