
5 Tips For Creating A Classic Garden Style For Your Home

5 Tips For Creating A Classic Garden Style For Your Home

Creating a home that you are comfortable in is of the utmost importance. If you aren’t happy and comfortable within your home, you aren’t going to want to live there – and this can be a problem. Custom homes should be built with your particular style in mind. There are many ways to have a classic garden style for your home without doing a considerable amount of work.

These are some tips that will help you to achieve the look you want.

Create Open Floor Plans

Open floor plans can ensure that you have a flow of energy and light. The way you arrange some furniture can ensure that as much light as possible is flowing. By moving some pieces around, you may be able to brighten up your home.

When you have high ceilings, it can also help to add a classic garden style to your home.

Add Color to the Walls

When you love having a garden outside, it is important to bring these colors into your home as well. Various colors and prints can be added to your walls through paint as well as wallpaper. You may want to use shades of green or incorporate the colors of the garden into various walls of your home.

Borders can be added in various rooms as well. You may want a rose border in the bathroom that overlooks the rose garden or vines sweeping around your kitchen to mimic what is going on outside your window above the sink.

Landscape the Outside

There are all sorts of landscaping styles that can be done outdoors. This will allow you to have a traditional style outside so that there is a good flow from the outside to the inside. When there is a nice transition, it can affect the entire personality of the home.

Add an Outdoor Feature

Outdoor features can also be added and provide a view for you to gaze at from the inside of your home. Such features can include gazebos, pergolas, fountains and even fish ponds. You can have these built by a professional or you can choose to take a DIY approach. Regardless of what you choose, it can add personality to your property.

Take Advantage of Natural Lighting

There are many ways to have the look and feel of a garden within your home just as easily as you have it on the outside. The secret is to use natural lighting so you don’t have to fill your home with artificial lighting that can ruin the effects. Natural light can pour in from various windows of your home. You can also have skylights installed to bring the sunlight in from above as well.

In some areas of the home, you may not be able to add natural lighting. There are some light bulbs available today that are designed for “natural” light so they don’t add harsh tones to your living areas.

Custom homes will often take all of these considerations into play when designing a home. If you want a home that you love being in, these can be added while it’s being built or added after the fact.

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+Ken Uhrich Builds custome homes and is damn good at it! You can drop him a line or take a look at his skills at the Custom Home Group website