
9 Important Points To Mention In Your Resume

CV may be the most important document, Proper preparation will allow you to exude confidence. Better pay attention to the some important details. It will allow you to get a job interview. When you want to apply several positions in a company, you must send your application to the right person. To ensure that you’re including relevant information on your resume. Here are the things to focus on your resume.

Create unique Resume

Browse for unique Resume Templates in Creative Market, The CV is a way to detach yourself from others. So do not copy the resume from others resume, Try to make your original application.

The Title

Recruiters already know that this is a “resume”. Needless to call it that. Put the job title the position you are applying.


Do not forget to mention your age. Recruiters are very attentive. Don’t have to put your date of birth on your CV. Because recruiters bother to calculate your age, they are likely to measure on the rest of your resume.


It is not a required field. But the picture becomes more and more present on the different resume. If you decide on one, choose a simple picture, not a holiday photo. This is the first image that recruiters see you, do not miss the boat.


Before you begin, make a list of keywords. Feel free to add keywords related to your application (internet, marketing etc.). More there will be more attention focused by recruiters.

Past Experience

It is one of the key feature of your resume, Do not hesitate and Make sure to include past experiences. Reliable history is important to demonstrate the positions of key employment-related areas.

To be effective

A resume should ideally take on a page. It is important to go to basics and therefore to short sentences. Recruiters are not interested to talk, they just want accurate information.

The Interests

This is the also a key point of your CV. It will allow you to truly set you apart from others. If you practice, atypical activities, do not hesitate to mention.

Spelling and Punctuation

The CV is a very important element. Better to take your time and do it properly. Above all, think of the silly mistakes and take time to correct your spelling mistakes. The faults check should be the very important thing you do before sending.