
A SILENT KILLER (World Hypertension Day)

A SILENT KILLER (World Hypertension Day)

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, has become a national concern in India. There are chances that you may have hypertension for years without any visible symptoms, but in the long run, it causes complications caused by narrowing of blood vessels.

Hypertension is directly related to cardiovascular diseases and can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Doctors diagnose high blood pressure over a number of visits using a sphygmomanometer, which involves applying an inflatable cuff to the upper arm. The diagnosis may be made when one or both readings are high: systolic (the pressure as the heart pumps blood around the body); or diastolic (pressure as the heart relaxes and refills with blood). According to the severity, doctors may prescribe one or more drugs to control the condition.

The best way to avoid a medical condition is to have a complete knowledge of it. A good cardiologist is a blessing for your heart. Plexus, a leading cardio center in India, offers world-class cardio facilities and treatments for all heart ailments. It has set up three cath labs in India. For detailed knowledge on hypertension consult the best cardiologist in Sikar at Plexus.


Similarly, secondary hypertension can arise from various other conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, crushing syndrome, pregnancy, obesity, etc.

Also, a new study has come up that states the role of psychological factors, experienced in teenage, which add to the risk of developing severe hypertension later in life.


Hypertension is asymptomatic, which means it does not reflect the direct symptoms. That is why it is considered as the SILENT KILLER because it silently damages our cardiovascular muscles. Although a headache, nosebleed, or shortness of breath can be considered as signs, but they do not usually occur until the condition has reached a life-threatening stage.

The complications associated with hypertension can include an enlarged or weakened heart, aneurysm (an abnormal bulge in the artery wall), or narrowing of blood vessels.


In order to avoid such complications, it is always advisable to consult a heart doctor-cardiologist. The cardiologist may perform a physical examination before diagnosing hypertension. This examination helps to determine the cause of high blood pressure. It includes tests such as urine test, kidney ultrasound imaging, blood test, and an ECG.

Also, we can practice certain lifestyle improvements such as restricting salt levels in our diet, restricting alcohol and tobacco consumption, avoiding excess weight reduction, performing a moderate physical exercise, and practicing stress management.