
Backyard Playhouses – Why It Pays To Buy Quality Kits

While it used to be the ‘done thing’ to stock up on supplies and hack out a kids’ playhouse from scratch, things have changed quite a bit over recent years. Today, it’s far more common for parents to order in semi-prefabricated kits, which essentially require little more than a few twists of a screwdriver and hits of a hammer to put together. In today’s flat-packed world, children’s wooden playhouses have never been easier to get hold of or assemble in a matter of minutes.

Nevertheless, there will always be those for whom the DIY appears to have the most appeal and indeed make the most sense. But when you really begin to take into account the pros and cons of both options, it’s hard to dispute the way in which quality kits from leading brands offer so much more for kids and adults alike.

Here’s why:


First of all, playhouse kits can right now be picked up in infinite shapes, sizes and specifications to create a final result that’s nothing short of spectacular. There’s nothing to say it’s impossible to build a great playhouse from scratch, but if you’re really looking to bring the fantasies of your kids to life, there’s no better way of doing so than with a quality kit. From elegant replicas of the home itself right through to fairytale castles, the right playhouse kit will never fail to make your kids’ dreams come true.


Another of the bonuses of going with the quality kit approach is the huge range of designs and specifications available to choose from. One of the best things about a kids’ playhouse is the way in which it represents an opportunity to let your imagination run wild and come up with something that looks as if it was plucked from the pages of a fairy-tale. In terms of inspiration and realistic possibilities, there’s only so much the average DIY-type can do with a bunch of wooden planks and a bag of nails. By contrast, check out the range of kits on offer from a leading brand and you’ll soon realise that not even the sky is the limit.


Above and beyond all other considerations, nothing matters more than the health and safety of the kids using the playhouse. No parent would ever knowingly build or allow use of a playhouse that was unsafe, but at the same time it’s tricky to come up with a playhouse that’s genuinely kid-friendly if you aren’t experienced in building them. To buy a quality kit from a leading brand is to take home all that’s needed to build a playhouse that’s not only stunning, but has been meticulously designed to both withstand the rigours of rough use and look after the health and safety of the kids using it. From splinter prevention to the removal of all sharp edges and of course the use of 100% non-toxic materials, safety comes as standard when investing in a quality playhouse kit.


Something else to bear in mind is the fact that while the very best kits on the market may not be the cheapest, what you’re actually looking at is a long-term investment in superior quality. A million miles from the average disposable kid’s toy, a quality playhouse is the kind of thing that will become a big part of their lives for years – most of their childhood perhaps. From toddlers right through to preteens, the allure and appeal of a playhouse is both universal and unique. As such, it really only makes sense to invest in a kit that’s guaranteed to go on entertaining and delighting its lucky recipients for the long-term, rather than just temporarily.


Last but not least, it’s one thing to enjoy getting stuck into a good DIY project but it’s another thing entirely to waste far more time on something than necessary. In the example of the children’s playhouse, it’s a case of choosing between spending hours, days or even weeks on end working on a DIY project, or creating the playhouse your kids have always dreamed of in a matter of minutes. The best kits on the market these days are so incredibly simple to put together and require no specialist tools to assemble. And of course, the less time you spend on building the thing, the more time can be spent both making it into a genuine home from home and generally enjoying it. Buy a quality kit from a reputable brand and most of the hard work is already done on your behalf.