
Best Body Scrubs for All Skin Types

Scrub a dub dub, beauty secrets in the tub! We glamazons love shower and bath rituals and a good scrub is definitely part of it. Body exfoliation is a key part in ridding of dead skin cells, so they don’t build up and cause blockages, or worse – dreaded acne. From dry skin to rashes and other minor skin ailments, a good scrub can cure all! Time to get down and dirty with our favourite scrub remedies.

To moisturize dry skin: The Body Shop Olive Oil Body Scrub

Crushed olive stones make this creamy dense scrub ideal for dry and normal skinned beauty addicts. Throw in olive, sunflower and carrot oil and you’re in for an intensely moisturizing exfoliating experience. An added bonus? The olive oil is community traded and organic. Win!

To sooth sunburns: Naturopathica Oat Cleansing Facial Polish

After a long day out in the sun, Naturopathica’s facial scrub is just what our burnt faces need. Oats softly buff away dead and dried out skin and soothes itchiness that peeling can cause. This scrub is also gentle enough to use every day and doubles as a mask as well. Put away your beautiful designer Chanel sunglasses, you’ll be showing your face off after this!

For buffing rough elbows and knees: Earth tu FACE Salt Scrub with Sea Salt & Organic Oils

For tough patches of skin such as around the elbows and knees, sea salt is the way to go. Strong and abrasive without being painful, Earth tu’s Salt Scrub is perfect for smoothing that skin out! The organic oils compliment the Dead Sea salt and detoxify all the while making you feel soft as a baby.

To combat cellulite: Frank Body Original Body Scrub

While we usually reserve coffee in our mugs, using it on our cellulite-prone places has proven to be beneficial as well! Frank Body’s entire line utilizes the benefits of coffee and their original body scrub is sublime. With its antioxidant properties and caffeine to aid in circulation, it leaves skin toned and firm.

For extra sensitive skin: Kenzoki Milky Rice Body Scrub

Rice powder is superfine which makes it the ideal micro-fine element to buff sensitive skin. Kenzoki’s Milky Rice Body Scrub combines naturally-extracted rice wax and rice powder to maximize the benefits of the plant on your skin.