
Best Cooking Shows In US

Best Cooking Shows In US

Food shows are best tv shows, always with no extra drama’s added into it. With the introduction of great chefs and skilled professional into these showed made huge success for the both channel people and audiences. Audiences received these cooking shows with extra-ordinary love, the shows are filled with colorful combinations and healthy suggestion from the great chefs around the world, these chefs are very talented in cooking, chopping and tasting areas. These shows are immediately getting followed many people around the world because of the eye stealing dishes, healthy suggestion and new twists to existing food making methods all these factors made the food shows get good ratings in the channels. There are various cooking shows on different tv channels, but lets us see top five tv food, cooking shows based on the user ratings.

The Chew

This program is an American cooking theme based show, which is telecasted multiple channel across the America on different time zones. The program mainly concentrates on food from every point cooking styles and vegetables. It also helps the viewers analyses each dish with aspects of health, nutrition’s, vitamins, diet, friendship, happiness, fitness and its cultural values. The show brings out new trends in cooking, fresh preparations and healthy way to cook dishes, the show’s hosts are Mario Batali, Carla Hall, Clinton Kelly and others.

Hell’s Kitchen

It is one of the best know tv reality show related food category. In this show the world famous Gordon Ramsay helps the young chefs who are having troubles in the kitchen and hotel managements who are having pretty bad times in hotel businesses. So, the chef gets into every aspect of the hotel working methods to find out what actually problem with the hotel is struggling with and later on he helps them to build quality, hygienic, passionate food which loveable by the customers to the hotel.


This version of a tv show conducts the competition between the four chefs who got to prove their skills on this show. The main task in this show is the chefs have to turn the given related or unrelated ingredients to a full course of dish, the chefs have to go through 3 rounds of tasks, in each round chef are given a basket containing three to five ingredients and the competitors needs to prepare using those ingredients as the main sources. It is another best top American cooking show, hosted by Ted Allen.