
Best Educational E-Books For Kids

Best Educational E-Books For KidsAccording to research by the literacy charity Booktrust, almost 50% of the books read by children are e-books. Kindles and e-readers are slowly finding themselves on Christmas lists and even starting to become more widely-accepted as the norm in school equipment lists. Many school libraries are stepping up to the mark and buying in e-readers, in a bid to increase and improve literacy amongst children.

With their capacity for displaying information in an easy-to-understand context, including using animations and voice-overs, it’s easy to understand why education is so keen to surf the e-book wave. In addition to getting kids actually reading as opposed to playing video games, e-books are also finding their feet in the world of education. Making learning fun is something that teachers have been striving to do for years. Alison Keeley of Booktrust believes that “it’s about making it different and more exciting; a different way of using their Xbox or iPad”.

With all this in mind, Let’s take a Look at some of the Best Educational e-books for Kids.

1) Even dear old Dr Seuss has made it into the wacky world of e-books and his ‘On Beyond Bugs’ is from the Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library. It’s wonderfully interactive and packed with information about insects, with many of them put into the good Dr’s unique rhyming style.

On Beyond Bugs also comes with a Read to Me/Read to Myself function, so younger readers can get familiar with new words, before trying them out themselves.

2) Moving further up the educational scale, Life Lists for Teens is different and entertaining. Most teens have made lists in their lives, but this interactive e-book puts them in context, empowering them to think for themselves and (much to the shock of parents everywhere) get organized.

It’s more like a guide to life than anything else and isn’t afraid to tackle the bigger issues, such as bullying and relationships. However, it’s also packed with lighter stuff, such as 12 Reasons to Laugh. Each of the 11 chapters is a springboard for generating positive thought and action.

3) However, when it comes to lists, you don’t get much more iconic than the book of Guinness World Records. If you want to know about the smallest this or the strangest that, then this is where you go.

The 2014 edition is also released as an e-book and takes interactivity up another level. With videos, animations and voice-overs, you get to experience the thrills and spills of Guinness World Record attempts like never before. There are skateboarding goats and even a 15-metre robot dragon to astound and inspire you – and maybe even get you thinking up world record attempts of your own.

With all the technology stuffed into this e-book, it’s easy to forget that you’re learning as you read – but that’s the point. The book of Guinness World Records makes soaking up information a pleasure rather than a chore, backed up by vibrant and evocative video clips and animations designed to   get your curiosity circuits heading towards overload.