
Best Movies From Mel Gibson

Best Movies From Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson is a famous known person in Hollywood, he is one the best action heroes Hollywood ever produced. From his early timing in the film careers he gained much attraction from the other celebrities of Hollywood because of his appearance and charm. He played different roles in movies and also in real life, he is story writer and movie director. Though he got an action hero name, later he was in different kind films, even director most famous films like passion of the Christ and Apocalypse etc. He got plenty of popularity with the lethal weapon series, mad max series etc. films. He produced some blockbuster hits like An ideal husband. He took director job for making the films with excellent stories, now let check those films in this article.

The Man Without a Face

Justin McLeod has been carrying on with the life of a hermit for a long time, since the time that his face was awfully distorted. Referred to by local people as “Ground sirloin sandwich Head”, he’s the subject of numerous gossipy wild stories. Toss is a young man resolved to get into the same military school as his dad, regardless of his mom’s dissents and his stepsisters’ taunting, regardless of the fact that it means concentrate all through the late spring. Edgy for a mentor, Chuck experiences the withdrawn McLeod, and together they start to help one another manage a world that has avoided them both.

The Passion of the Christ

The entire film carefully crafted around the how the Jesus Christ last 12hours before dying on the cross. The film has extra-ordinary scenes and back scores which ultimately gives you the faith of Christianity. The film begins with iconic scene, Jesus goes to pray for his father in the gardens of gesthamane, from there the soldier will capture him as crime doer and the story continues till his death on the cross and resurrection in the tomb. The director kept extraordinary skills to capture beautiful movie.

Brave Heart

In this film the mel himself acted as Scotland soldier William Wallace a rebellion leader. He leads his people against the English king, who gives special prime for the English people “prima nocta”- a darkest tradition- a right to take all new brides for the first night. This creates raging fire feeling in the hearts of the rebellions on the brutal English rulers. Until that time they were hopeless by just watching crimes done by the English rulers, but when William becomes their leader and leads them to fight against them.


The film about the all historical tribes exited earlier days in the forests. The director showed as an excellent screenplay how will people live and used to live with their surroundings in the early days. In the Maya progress, a serene tribe is ruthlessly assaulted by warriors looking for slaves and people for penance for their divine beings. Panther Paw conceals his pregnant wife and his child in a profound gap adjacent their tribe and is caught while battling with his kin. An overshadowing extras his life from the penance and later he needs to battle to survive and spare his cherished wife and people.