
Books As Graduation Gifts

Books As Graduation Gifts

For many, graduation can become nerve wracking. The many insecurities that plague the soon to be graduates. The many uncertainties that begin to make sense at the moment. The many opportunities that become available. All these plus many more overwhelm them. Whether it is graduating high school or college, it’s what lies ahead that scares them, and there was a time when it scared us as well. So with this in mind, here are a few books to consider buying the high school or college graduate that you know.

Top 10 Books:

The Giving Tree

A very known and loved book that symbolizes the relationship between the parent and child. As graduates, there will be a time when they will forget about their parents, but because parents love their children so much, they will be waiting for them to return.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

The story of an unknown protagonist who leaves home to explore the world to find out that there will be good and bad times, but even with this in mind, it’s the adventure that they should embrace.


This book speaks to us poetically about the hopes and dreams we all have had, as children or as adults. But most importantly, it talks about the importance to dream and live by those dreams for there is no higher reward than to achieve them.

The Little Prince

As graduates begin their new lives, there will be times when they will get consume by what they deem important, but as this classic tale tells us, there are times when we all need to stop and appreciate what’s truly important in our lives.


There are times when we doubt our courage, especially when we just graduated. This book explores the many different types courage that we, as people, have to embrace, and shows us that what makes us stronger is courage.

And Here’s To You!

A poem that celebrates, You. It doesn’t matter where we come from, but what’s truly important is who we become. A book that remind graduates how special they are.


When does a graduate know when they have accomplished their dreams? When they get there, as this book explains.

I Knew You Could!

Every students has struggled to graduate, but this book reassures them that you always believed in them. A simple book with a very deep message, and that’s your faith in them.

Hooray For You!

Be proud of whom you are and what you have achieved, is the message this book will send the graduate.

Curious You

This book celebrates the achievements we have accomplished because of our curiosities. But most importantly its those curiosities that made us who we are.

All books from this list can be bought at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.