
Celebrating women’s tailored cashmere sweater season

NewSplurge07Sharply dressed women don’t need to know how to sew to stay trendy and fashionable. What these women need is a good relationship with a skilled tailor. Gifts women receive during winter holidays and their birthdays are a reason some women develop a relationship with a tailor to begin with. Some of the garments are easier to tailor than others. For example, to tailor a womens cashmere sweater a seamstress may only need to lift the shoulders or take the sides in, allowing for a more comfortable fit.

A tailored womens cashmere sweater is what some women executives are wearing to corporate boardroom meetings. It’s a step forward. The New York Times says, “Corporate boardrooms were once filled with men. Women were there too, but hidden behind the blacks and grays of stiff suits, protective shoulder pads and sensible shoes. Many preferred to blend in as they made strides in the executive arena.”

The right fashions can create a powerful perception of women executives in the eyes of clients and male business leaders. Yet, this task is in no wise easy. In fact, “When a first impression is instinctively built on appearance, the challenges of self-promotion for a female executive can sometimes seem as daunting as the job itself,” according to the New York Times.


Traditions being what they are, there are bound to be women executives who receive at least one womens cashmere sweater this winter, perhaps as a Christmas gift. What you might be surprised to know is that traditional, plain cashmere sweaters aren’t the only sweaters women want and receive as gifts.

For example, there’s the cable funnel neck womens cashmere sweater, a sweater stitched with 10-ply Scottish yarn. Although not designed for the boardroom, the sweater is gifted to women, especially during winter, due to the fact that the sweater offers higher levels of insulation.

On the other hand, a black cashmere seamed trapeze can be worn with a stylish pair of pants to a boardroom meeting. Two-ply funnel neck womens cashmere sweater pieces come in a variety of colors. These sweaters can be spotlighted with a sleek vest. However, a gift women executives might appreciate most is a cashmere suit that consist of a herringbone cow neck top and a well fitted skirt.

As with any other fashion garment, when gifting women executives with cashmere sweaters, skirts and dresses, there are hits and misses in regards to getting the right size. Hence, a skilled tailor.Rather than return a favored womens cashmere sweater, executives can take the sweaters and other fashions they receive to tailors who are so skilled, they can make an oversized shirt look like a perfect fit. However, executives aren’t the only ones taking advantage of a tailor’s services.

Celebrities and socialites also let tailors help them get the looks they want. The Wall Street Journal shares that, “One of the reasons why celebrities and socialites look so good is that their clothes fit well. Alterations are a given for stars working with stylists.” It’s this option that makes buying classy fashions for women as holiday and winter gifts a winning choice.