
Creative Ways To Design Your Bedroom Wardrobe

Creative Ways To Design Your Bedroom Wardrobe

Do you have a knack for design and want to make a beautiful and artistic Riidekapid or wardrobe? All it takes is a little bit of interior work and a lot of creativity. You don’t even need to spend a lot of money on designing your wardrobe. You can just add a few things and jazz it up a little. The key is in the details. The small designs that you add can go a long way. Here are a few cool ideas you can play with:

Sliding Doors

Usually, wardrobes make use of swing doors that you can open pull open and push to close. What if you tried to use sliding doors? Sliding doors will give your wardrobe this whole modern and industrial design that looks amazing.

Decorations At The Top

If your wardrobe has some space at the top, you can actually put some stuff there. Action figures, dolls, and even trinkets can be placed there to add to the design.

Paint Job

Aside from decorations, you can paint the doors of your wardrobe. You can paint some cool design on it or maybe even make a mural, if you have the talent to do it. You can also put some graffiti art by using spray paint to give your wardrobe a “street” artistic feel. Decals can also be placed on your wardrobe doors if you want your design to be simpler and subtler.

Rustic Wooden Doors

If you’re into a rather quaint and rustic design, then you can try using rustic wooden doors for your wardrobe. The rustic design gives it a very natural and relaxing feel, which is actually really good for the vibe of your bedroom.

Georgian Style

If you look the old Victorian or Georgian style interior design, then you’ll most likely want an antique wardrobe. These old style wardrobes are the ones that have a closet on the top part and a few drawers at the bottom. Sometimes, there is a mirror in the middle. The wood used is old solid wood, which makes it very durable. If your bedroom uses an old type of interior style, then you’d best get one of these wardrobes.

Built-In Shelf For TV and Decorations

Another creative twist you can put into your wardrobe is to create a TV shelf in the middle of two wardrobes. You can put your books, other decorations and, of course, your TV on the shelf. That way, you can also use your wardrobe area as your entertainment area.


If you want to jazz up your wardrobe, then use some of these creative ideas to transform it from a plain into an extraordinary one. Of course, your creativity can go beyond what we’ve suggested. You can even  ask the help of an interior design company like V-Disain to translate your ideas into actual products. As long as you have the creativity to do it, you can create a great wardrobe. Just make sure that your ideas complement the overall theme of your house.