
Do I Have A Case? 5 Ways To Know Your Rights

You may have been hurt in a vehicle crash or another type of accident, or someone might have broken a contract or an agreement. How do you know when you have a valid lawsuit? There are a lot of things to think about when you’re deciding whether to file a case. Here are five ways that people considering litigation can know their rights:

1. Was I hurt because of something someone else did?

For most types of civil lawsuits, you must be hurt because of something that someone else did willfully or negligently. For example, if a store owner leaves a puddle of water on the floor and you slip and fall, they’ve acted negligently. To have a valid lawsuit, someone must have done something wrong that results in your injuries or loss.

2. Is it possible to prove the case?

Lawsuits are based on evidence. It doesn’t matter how much a person may have done wrong, if you can’t prove the case, there’s no case. It’s important to review the way that evidence comes in at a trial. There are a lot of different types of evidence such as witness testimony, videos and expert testimony. If there’s sufficient evidence to bring to court, you might have a successful lawsuit.

3. Are there criminal charges against me?

You should evaluate whether you’re facing criminal charges relating to the same events. If you are, that might be a stumbling block to a successful lawsuit. A criminal defense attorney may be able to help you address criminal charges so that they don’t stand in the way of your recovery.

4. Am I within my time limits?

In most locations, you have a limited period of time to bring a lawsuit. If you don’t, your chances to bring the suit are gone forever. It’s important to evaluate whether you’re within your time limits to file the case.

5. What does a lawyer say?

A great way to know if you’re within your rights is to consult with an attorney. A skilled and experienced attorney likely has insider information about how the local courts operate. For people considering litigation, an attorney can explain the laws and offer an honest opinion about your chances for success.

It can be hard to tell if you have a good lawsuit. It’s important to think about all of the steps in a case and consider what evidence might prove the elements in the case. When it doubt, a consultation with an experienced attorney can shed some light on your chances for success.



