
Dress Your Home "Happy" This Spring

Dress Your Home "Happy" This Spring

Dressing our home “happy” is about more than creating a beautiful space. Home is the place we want to go to after a hard day at work. It is the place we seek when we want to announce exciting news or share our deepest fears. Home is where our favorite memories are found and where some of our favorite people are.

Happiness is subjective to each of us but the common traits of a happy home are ones that create feelings of welcome and relief at being in a place where we can unwind and distance ourselves from what is causing us to stress. There are many things you can do to turn your house into a happy home this spring, without spending too much money, as the following tips will prove.

Trigger happy emotions ­– Decorating your home with sentimental objects will instantly give meaning to your space. When the things you decorate with are associated with people you love or happy memories, your home will turn into a niche where every corner reminds you of something you are grateful for. This goes the other way around too. If there are things around the home that remind you of painful memories such as an ex-boyfriend then get rid of these things or hide them until you feel better.

Fill your home with flowers – On the windowsill and in the bathroom; on the dinner table and even on your bedside, fresh flowers are a symbol of the simple things in life and a reminder of how beautiful the world can be.

You can cut fresh flowers from your garden if available or grab a bunch from your local florist before heading home. You can even take your florals to another level by getting a floral bouquet that reflects your personality trait so your floral arrangement can help in turning your mood around.

Wall colors – White will always reign as the color to promote happiness, clarity and relaxation. White walls reflect light which is another important factor to creating a happy home. This said, adding color to some of the walls, especially nature-based colors, such as a green or a blue also help.

Invest in furniture with curves – Steer clear of too many sharp edges when it comes to your furniture. Experts recommend you go for furniture with curves because round shapes make the room feel more inviting.

Make a statement in your entryway – Have your entryway welcome you on a high note by making the right statement. Paint the wall the color you love, frame a quote that gives you meaning or decorate with an object that lifts your spirits the minute you see it.

Pot plants that attract butterflies – From Daylilies to Lavender, Mint, Snapdragon and more, pot plants in your garden to attract butterflies into your home.

Use uplifting scents – Citrus scents, in particular, are uplifting. “The molecules of citrus smells travel through your olfactory nerves to the part in your brain where stress and anxiety originate and calm you,” explains one essential oil expert. Other uplifting scents include vanilla, jasmine and pine. You could also bake more, if you love to do so, and have the house smell of sweet things like cinnamon and sugar.

Create a space for everyone – It could be the bedroom or a corner in the living room but a happy home is when everyone has that small corner they can call their own. You can take this a step further and create a space for everyone to make art — a pastime which studies have long shown helps in cultivating creativity and happiness.

Keep things neat – Making your bed, cleaning your windows, and minimizing clutter means coming home to a space that will not add to your mental clutter.

Finally, fill your home with the people you care about by hosting parties, brunch, dinners and more. This is your sacred space and it is important you invite people who will respect it and fill it with happier memories.