
Dry Clean Your Suits And Maintain Them Properly

While most of the clothes you wear can be washed at home either by machine or manual method, some clothes need to be cleaned differently. For men’s suits, dry cleaning remains the most viable option. While you have to take the suits you wear in formal or other occasions, ensure you do not take to the laundry quite often. This will help you save money needed for the task and also enhance longevity of your favorite suites.

Dry Cleaning is not Actually Dry

Amazing as it may sound to some people, the dry cleaning method is not actually dry. A solvent called perchloroethylene is used to remove stains from clothes in this process. It was invented way back in 1825, purely by chance.

When you should take the Suit or Dress to Dry Cleaning

There is no exact formula to determine when your clothes and suits require dry cleaning, as it is. However, on an average, you should take them to laundry for dry cleaning when you see brushing and spot cleaning do not remove odors. This basically depends on how rarely or regularly you wear a dress. If you wear it scarcely, dry cleaning once a year should suffice. At any rate, ensure you do not dry clean any dress too frequently as it may damage the fabric and adversely affect longevity.

Selecting the Suitable Dry Cleaning Service is important

It is necessary that you give your clothes to a professional and capable dry cleaning agency. You can do some searching online and read users reviews, in your region. In any case, you do not select a cleaner solely on based on money. On the contrary, opt for a cleaner that as been in this trade for several years and enjoys impeccable reputation. A veteran dry cleaning agency will not try to evade questions of new customers as it is. You may find out agencies that offer in house services or send clothes to a larger facility. When you send clothes to agencies that have good in house cleaning facilities, chances of getting clothes misplaced is less. Veteran dry cleaning agencies will advise you to select suitable packages indicating which clothes need pre treating for effective stain removal and cleanup.

Ensure your Clothes are Treated Properly between Two Dry Cleaning Visits

While sending the clothes for dry cleaning at suitable intervals is necessary, you can ensure they are treated properly between two such visits. For this, you can deploy the following tips-

Wear your Suits in a Rotating Manner

If you keep wearing the same suit for a number of events in quick succession, it will need to be sent for dry cleaning rather early. So, rotate suits to ensure they do not need to be sent for such cleaning often and the fabric is not damaged.

Using Steam Cleaner can Help

To thwart wrinkle formation on suits, you can use steam cleaner before you put them on. Ensure the steam cleaner is set to minimum setting to ensure fabric care.

Use Brush

Use a soft brush to get rid of dust particles and anything that may cling to the suit, marring its look. Use short quick strokes to brush off particles.

Hang the Suit on Wooden Hangers

After you wear the suit once on an event hang it on a wooden hanger. This will make the wrinkles disappear mostly. Ensure the suit pockets are empty.

Cover Properly

You may not use a single suit all along the year. When you do not plan to wear it for a long time, cover it using a cloth that allows air circulation.

Evans is a well known blogger and he is current associated with onroutedrycleaners.com which are the most popular Ottawa dry cleaners.