
Eating Healthy – Your Guide To Fiber Foods

As far as healthy eating is concerned there is no specific age band for it and to stay fit everyone has to keep an eye on what they are eating because, after all, you are what you eat. There are many foods that are controversial as far as staying healthy is concerned but fiber foods are not one of them. Whether you are overweight, underweight or have the ‘perfect’ weight, eating foods that help your bodily functions is necessary. To help you in designing a sound diet for your family, here is some advice on fiber foods.


The benefits of food included in this category are countless. Scientific evidence has proved that fiber intake can cure your body of a number of problems including treating and preventing constipation and decreasing blood cholesterol levels, which protects against certain forms of cancer. It also helps in controlling the amount of what you eat, satisfying your hunger much quicker than regular foods. The most promising benefit would be its role in immune health; it strengthens your immune system. Recent research has also proven with much surety that as part of a diet low in fat and cholesterol, fiber foods such as oatmeal and oat cereals reduce the risk of heart diseases. Some fiber foods are perfect for weight loss including flaxseeds, almonds, figs, blackberries etc. If that doesn’t work for you, better try http://www.populardietpills.net/slimfy/ for healthy weight loss.

For Adults:

Fiber foods for adults differ from those for children in that their stomachs can digest solid foods. Many whole plant foods are rich in different types of dietary fiber, such as pectin, gum, mucilage, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and soluble fiber. To reap the maximum benefits from a diet high in fiber, you need to consume a variety of different foods containing it on a daily basis. A good diet would contain fiber rich cereals, fruits (such as apples and pears), vegetables, beans, lentils and bran. Starting off a new diet based on this will lead to flatulence or gastric distress but that will soon subside once your body adjusts to it.

For Toddlers:

Fiber foods are not at all very appealing to children, but that cannot be helped because they are an excellent source of nutrients for a growing child. They are particularly helpful in solving and preventing the common problem of constipation in toddlers when combined with adequate fluid intake. Also, they are very important for cleaning out the body and preventing overeating. To make a fiber rich meal tastier for your youngster, try making one that consists mostly of fruits and nuts. For example, use 100 percent whole grain cereals for breakfast with fruits as a side dish (they do come in many exciting flavors to make them more appealing) and nuts can be given as tasty snacks.