
Essential Morning Rituals For Increased Productivity And Success

Essential Morning Rituals For Increased Productivity And Success

A good morning routine can seem like it will really set the productivity tone. Creating a morning ritual can be one of the most powerful tools that will transform your life. It is important to take advantage of early morning productivity. The purpose of the ritual is to prepare yourself to be in the best shape every day. So every experience and outcome of life changes depending on you. Although we all have a ritual without realizing, more willing or more determined for what we want to achieve.

Detoxify your Body

Although it sounds complicated in the morning is the best time of day for detoxification. First of all, it’s good to have a large glass of water next to your bed because after 8 hours of sleep our body (and brain) is dehydrated. Cells need water, especially to remove toxins accumulated during the night in the body. Thus, the cells not only hydrate but also put themselves into action eliminating what the body no longer needs. The same thing you can see on the tongue loaded in the morning. When you wash your teeth, scrape your tongue either with a teaspoon or with the back of a special toothbrush to remove the “paste” gathered on the tongue during the night. The bathroom is the first place to get to the morning before you start any other kind of activities.

Breakfast is the most Important Meal of the Day

If you do not provide the dose of the necessary substances to physically and mentally resist the workplace, you will not be productive and will be more likely to eat inappropriately throughout the day. In the morning, it is good to drink a freshly squeezed natural juice to be directly absorbed by the body. You can choose a smoothie or a fresh one that keeps the pulp or combines several ingredients.

You can have breakfast, packed if you do not have too much time. It is recommended to consume a healthy protein for proper brain function. There are many companies that promote their products and have been on the market for many years so it’s worth trying.


If you have a flexible program or you are your own boss, the best time to mobilize your body is in the morning. Some people who have PFAs or their own businesses work late or after their clients finish their own service. That means they no longer have sports and it’s hard to get at least 3 times a week at the gym. Whatever sport you choose to do, it’s good to keep it because it’s part of the perfect healthy recipe.


For those willing to meditate and have no idea how to do this, there is a lot of information on the internet, ebooks, books, and even apps. The benefits of meditation are countless, and it is a practice practiced by all successful people. You will definitely want a smoother, more organized, more focused mind. Only 10 minutes a day will compensate millions of thoughts that go through our head and we get tired every day.

Planning and Organizing

We recommend using the agenda to plan the day and set up important projects. The mind activates with minimal effort and works efficiently all day. Without a plan of the day, we can keep up with the tasks or the little things we need to do: shopping, invoices, projects, appointments, phone calls, etc. You can use your paper agenda or phone book. Generally, it’s good to have your notes with you. Do not underestimate the power of your notes to remember what you have to do. Stress and the multitude of tasks we have daily affect our memory and can undermine our plans. Every successful person has a well-planned and organized life and he knows clearly what he wants to achieve. For a full morning of energy and sprawl, you need to get a restful sleep. Turn off all electronic devices and the TV  before sleeping and waking up. Choose a mattress and an ergonomic pillow.