
Essentials To Know When Upgrading Your Fuse Box

Are you still having that old school form of fuse box installed in your home? Well, then you will be a pro in changing or replacing a fuse because they quite often trip due to the power overflow or any short-circuit. In fact, you may have found yourself changing the fuse even in the middle of the night to get back the power. This situation can be so frustrating, but with this frustrating situation, it is also important to understand the hazards that could affect your home as well as your family.

Hence, if you’re thinking to upgrade your fuse box to a circuit breaker, there are certain important things to know. And, in any kind of electrical emergency, always call a professional electrician to fix the electrical fault. It’s not the DIY work.

Here are some details you should check before you step ahead to upgrade your fuse box with a circuit breaker:

Well, whenever you identify your fuse box to be unsafe, not able to extended to cover the demands of new appliances such as air conditioner or pool pumps, when it is not able to cope up with the demands you are placing on them, you see it often overheating or frequently tripping, you need to replace your fuse box with a new circuit breaker. A circuit breaker is a great option to safeguard your home from any electrical hazards.

If you think that replacing a fuse box with the new circuit breaker is as simple as switching a light on and off, then it’s not! When you’re upgrading your fuse box, there are certain regulatory criteria that are mandatory to be followed.

For performing this task, a licensed electrician must bring your home electrical wiring system to the current legal requirements. This will then determine the cost of upgrading your fuse box. In fact, the cost of replacing the fuse box is not always stagnant. It may vary depending on the things you need to upgrade.

But, just for your knowledge, upgrading a basic fuse box with safety switches protection on all the necessary circuits cost depends upon the number of electrical circuits you have in your home.

If you wish to relocate or upgrade your fuse box with a circuit breaker then you may incur additional cost for its installation in your home. Hence, replacing a fuse box with a circuit breaker is a need as well as is affordable because it will help to keep your home safe.

In many cases, fuse boxes are found in old homes. Most probably, it is difficult to calculate how much time it will take to replace because every fuse has a different configuration. But, for your information, the basic general time taken for upgrading an old fuse box with the new circuit breaker is 4 hours.

But, if your home is quite a decades old, the process of replacing might consume more time than the standard time. If the electrical wiring system of your home is old then to upgrade your fuse box, you need to increase the power requirements of your home.

In fact, in former times, the fuse box was installed anywhere in the home. There was no stipulated location to install the meter reader. But the concept has been changed. Nowadays legal requirement about where to install the circuit breaker is mandatorily followed by every electrical contractor.

As you’re upgrading your fuse box to a circuit breaker, it’s important to understand where you can locate your new circuit breaker in your home. The breaker needs to be located 2 meters from the ground and within 2 meters of the front of your home. This concept is followed so that whenever you’re facing any electrical issue, you can easily access the meter reader and identify the issue.

No doubt, upgrading your fuse box with the latest circuit breaker or a switchboard is important these days, but do you know, there is a vast range of fuses and circuit breakers that evolved its specifications and features?

Well, circuit breakers and fuses have undergone huge technological changes. Of course, the current models are more significant and safe to be installed.

Here is the list of fuses and circuit breakers you can know:

Ceramic fuses – sounds something like an old school way for protecting your home from an electrical hazard. It is basically a type of fuse that is wired around certain screws before they are plugged into the fuse box. It was used for protecting the property from a short circuit or power overload. Perhaps, it provides limited protection from the electric shocks occurring on your property.

One of the first models that were designed a step up for safety from an electrical hazard is a hardwired circuit breaker. They perform to be quicker than the plugs or fuses and also provide better protection from short circuit and power overload in the property.

Safety switches are one of the most successful means that can protect your property from a number of short circuits, power overloads, or electric shocks. Generally, a safety switch is connected to the circuit breaker. If any electrical issues take place on your property, the safety switch will automatically cut off the power supply to protect you as well as your property from an electrical hazard.

In a nutshell, if your home is still equipped with the old school form of electrical protection, upgrade it right away. Upgrade your fuse box with the current standard electrical safety for protecting your property in the best way.