
Gentle Care For Your Skin

Gentle Care For Your Skin

You skin is your largest organ and it really deserves to be cared for, especially after cold and windy weather in the winter when it suffers the most. When we treat our skin well and take gentle care of it, it will reflect it back and we will have glowing, youthful looking skin. Here are some suggestions on how you can pamper your skin and prepare for spring.

Brush and Scrub

Our skin tends to accumulate dead skin cells during the winter since we simply don’t pay much attention to it when it’s covered in thick layers of clothes. A good way to deal with flaky skin and remove dead skin cells is whole body dry skin brushing. It softens the skin and increases circulation. After this, you can do a whole body scrub, there are many DIY scrubs you can easily make at home from simple ingredients. This will restore your skin’s pH balance. The next step is a good shower and hydration.

Have a Nice Long Bath

There is nothing like a good old bubble bath and there are plenty of bath products available today. However, you should use products that are natural, like 100% Pure shower gels which contain therapeutic herbs and healthy ingredients. There are soaps and bath bombs made with natural ingredients as well, or you can make them by yourself. You can always add a couple of glasses of apple cider vinegar, milk or green tea to your baths and they will rejuvenate your skin and leave it fresh.

Be Gentle with Hair Removal

Hair removal will be easier and less painful if you prepare your skin for it. The best thing you can do is loosen and remove dead skin cells and by dry skin brushing and scrubbing a day or so before hair removal. Choose the gentlest hair removal method in order to cause the least possible amount of damage to your skin. Some skin types just don’t react to waxing and shaving well, so epilation is probably the least invasive option, just make sure you get the best epilator you can find.

Facial Peels and Masks

Your face definitely deserves special attention and even though we can do a lot for our face by ourselves, it is best to see a professional and at least learn what type of skin we have and how to best care for it. That will help us use the best masks and peels. We can also undergo a professional treatment like deep cleansing, facial peels, exfoliation or any other corrective measures if there is a need for them.


When our skin is all scrubbed and clean, we need to moisturize it well. Our whole body needs to be moisturized and it is never too much. You should give extra care to your face, as well as hands and feet which are harder and require more exfoliation and moisturizing. You can simply soak them in milk. Generally, you should look for products with peptides which stimulate collagen production. Natural oils like jojoba, almond and rosehip oil will also do a great job of moisturizing your skin.

Remember that prevention of skin damage is a major part of skin care, so be careful and protect your skin from sunburn, UV radiation, wind and cold, and then care for it well by regularly cleaning, scrubbing and moisturizing it. Pamper yourself, you deserve it!