
Get More Out Of Your Website With Custom WordPress Web Development

WordPress websites offer much more than the few benefits you usually hear about. This previously known blogging software-based website is now considered a powerful content management system that can fulfil all your custom website design requirements.

It is still unknown why the effectiveness of WordPress is still so underrated after all these years since this popular software is responsible for business owners to be no longer held hostage to their designers and virtual assistants. Owners can easily learn the basic operations of adding and updating content on their websites.

Here are 11 ways you can get more out of your website with custom WordPress webdesign:

1. You can Save Money

WordPress is one of the most user-friendly platforms out there, and you can easily make the edits yourself whenever you want. Save the money it would have cost for a designer for more important things by adding new content yourself. Times are tight and managing your own photos, videos and text for your website is a great way to contribute to saving costs. WordPress also offers free upgrades unlike traditional website software like Dreamweaver.

2. Greater Accessibility

You can easily make changes on your website anywhere your are, and if that isn’t enough, you can even use your iPad or smartphone to do it.

3. Design Flexibility

Thousands of themes, free and premium, makes it possible to create a custom website design that suits your unique needs. You can have different colours and layouts for every single page. But that is not all. WordPress offers thousands of plugins and widgets for even further functionality.

4. Speedy Update Process

If you’re using the services of a designer to make changes to your website, you always have to wait a few days for the updates to happen but since WordPress is such a user-friendly platform, you can instantly update the content on your website and provide your visitors with the most accurate and current details possible.

5. Mobile-friendly

The aim when it comes to website design these days is to create your website to look good on both mobile devices and computers. With WordPress, there’s no need to design another website specifically for mobile users. WordPress automatically recognises if an individual is browsing the site on a computer or mobile device and scales the content to be viewed on either.

6. Social Networking Friendly

You can automatically integrate your blog posts with social media like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Linkedin instead of having to go to each one, log in, and let your followers know that you’ve just added something new to your website. Customizing your posts for social media produces much better engagement results.

7. Ultimate in SEO Friendliness

The building of WordPress blog code is dependable and streamlined without extreme HTML code that Google finds very appealing for indexing. What’s even better is that you can use a plugin like Yeost, for added SEO support.

8. Improved Security

There is an actual process that is called “hardening” that comes with any WordPress installation. In addition, the WordPress community is extremely diligent in their efforts to keep WordPress secure, and as long as you use best practices and update your software and plugins frequently, you will be as safe as you would be in any other environment.

9. Increased Functionality

Thousands of plugins (pre-written programs) are available to download and can enhance the functionality of your newly installed WordPress software. Conventional websites require every single thing to be programmed. Even if you find an available PHP or ASP coding to work with a regular website, there is typically a significant amount of integration work and customising required, whereas WordPress plugins are ordinarily a 3-click install process.

10. Universal Platform

With the current state of the economy, designers and Internet marketing service providers are closing their doors and disappearing. With traditional websites, it is a rare occurrence that a new service provider will agree to pick up where the old developer or designer left off. The result is that you will be forced to pay the new provider a fee to starting from scratch. When it comes to WordPress, almost anyone with basic PHP and MySQL experience can update your WordPress custom website with a moments notice if something was to happen to your current designer.

11. Multi-User Capable

WordPress allows multi-user accessibility so that larger companies with marketing departments can offer editing power exclusivity or even read-only mode to others.

There are just so many reasons why custom website design with WordPress is an excellent fit for practically every situation. Consider WordPress Web Development and get the most out of your website.