
Get The Love Energy Going With These 5 Inspired Ideas For Better Bedroom Feng Shui

In some cultures, it is a must to perform a thorough house cleaning before a year ends. Bad energy that has accumulated in an area during the entire year is displaced when a person gets rid of clutter and purges old and worn things from his home. A clean and clutter-free environment attracts positive energy. This also has an effect on a person’s psychological, emotional, as well as physical health.
If you connect the dots, so to speak, you’ll soon realize that living in a clean house can heavily impact your overall health. This also reduces accidents at home and improves your entire outlook. In some Asian cultures, this belief is based on an ancient Chinese belief known as feng shui.

Improving “Flow” with Feng Shui

In a nutshell, feng shui is the art of object placement that aims to find balance between energies, which are referred to as “yin” and “yang.” When a home has good feng shui, the residents will enjoy better luck in life and relationships, finance, work, and health. This attracts more positive energy too, including happiness, healing, relaxation, and love.

Creating Good Bedroom Feng Shui

In the span of twenty-four hours, each person typically spends 7 to 8 hours in bed, which accounts to a third of one’s entire day. The bedroom is definitely an important area as people spend many hours here relaxing, resting or sleeping. Hence, it must have good feng shui, especially if your goal is to get married, to find your one true love, or to maintain a happy married life.
So, how do you “feng shui” your bedroom in order to make more room for love? Here are some tips.

1. Balance the bed.

The man and the woman are equal partners, and this idea should extend and it should even be embraced in the bedroom. Therefore, both sides of the bed should be carefully balanced. The bed should be approachable on both sides, and, if you want a bedside table, have one per side too.
Another important reminder is regarding bed placement. When you lie down and you see your feet facing the door, change the position of your bed right away. Feng shui experts liken this position to a coffin, which is carried away feet first.

2. The door must be in good condition.

Doors play an important part in feng shui. Dingy, broken, stuck or loose doors can negatively affect “chi” or the circulating life energy. If you cannot fully open or close doors because you’re pressed for space, maybe it is time to declutter. Another space-saving option, which comes highly recommended by www.basincustom.com, is a sliding barn door. These kinds of doors signify strength and nobility, which are great positive characteristics.

3. Get rid of clutter.

In order to promote better energy flow in your bedroom, remove clutter. Don’t put any type of gadget in your bedroom, including televisions or computers. Remove mirrors, dying plants, and other things that can disturb sleeping. If you can’t help having a lot of things in your bedroom, counteract negative energy by hanging a crystal that will ward off bad chi.

4. Adjust color and lighting.

During the day, open windows to allow natural sunlight in. Candles are recommended for romantic nights. These also enhance healing energy. As for color, base your choices on your birth data, which will provide recommendations regarding which shades suit you and which ones to avoid.

5. Select bedroom art carefully.

Opt for decorative pieces, like paintings or sculptures, with healing or sensual themes. Don’t hang anything with violent images as this can only increase the hostile energy in your bedroom. Also, don’t put artwork that feature lonely people and avoid huge mirrors too, which represent the water element.

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Claire Willows is a full-time freelancer and a homeowner who likes DIY projects. She often blogs about her home improvement projects.