
Give Your Home A Unique Look Without Spending A Ton

Your home is your castle, and you want it to present your style. Unfortunately for some people, decorating a home to match their style and taste can be extremely expensive.

But decorating your house doesn’t mean you have to break the bank or tap into your savings account. There are plenty of ways to decorate your home and get the looks you love for cheap.

Shop at your Local Thrift Store

Instead of looking for furniture at big name furniture stores, why not try looking at your local thrift store first. These places always have a variety of furniture items on hand, such as tables, chairs and even shelving units or other items. While the items may be older, and while they may have some imperfections, you can still snag a great deal for a very low cost. Plus, a new coat of paint and some new hardware will make any furniture item look like new and match your style.

Shop at Yard Sales

The say one man’s junk is another man’s treasure, which is why you should shop at yard sales. People are always selling their unwanted items, and you can snag some great deals. You can find anything from furniture to lovely knick-knacks, and you can usually haggle the price down to even lower than the asking price. Again, you may have to deal with some imperfections and age, but a little TLC will go a long way when it comes to creating a beautiful piece for cheap.

Opt for DIY Over Store Bought

There is always a DIY option for the items you love, so don’t spend a fortune when you can create the item yourself. Thanks to Pinterest (and other DIY sites), you can easily learn how to make everything from  giant canvas printed photographs to stools and benches on your own. You can customize these pieces to be the color or style of your choice, and you will easily spend much less money making the item yourself than paying someone else to do it for you. Plus, knowing that your hard work paid off to make something in your home will give you a sense of satisfaction and joy you never thought possible.

Repurpose your Own Items

You may just have some treasures of your own that you can repurpose. Take a look through your closets, attic, garage and other storage areas for things you don’t use anymore. Maybe you have an old pallet that you can turn into shelving or a coffee table. Maybe you have some old posters that would make a great piece of art with a nice frame. Or maybe you have some old paintings or pictures with beautiful frames you can reuse for something more modern.

Let your creative juices flow in order to find ways to repurpose items you already have in your home. You’ll be shocked at how a little TLC and a fresh coat of paint can come in handy to save the day.

Decorate with your Own Photos

Photographs are an easy way to add some personal touches to your home, so why not use your own creations instead of spending money on someone else’s work? You can turn family photos into a canvas or oversized print. You can frame pictures too and hang them throughout your home in a decorative fashion for wall art. You could even start taking some nature photography and decorating your home with the beautiful pictures that you took. When you use your own photos to decorate with, you will create beauty without spending a fortune.

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Meyling Lau is a partner at SEOMap.com and has lead enterprise scale SEO programs. Formerly, Mey led a variety of grassroots marketing projects for Hotels.com.