
Helping Your Pets To Deal With A Move Or Relocation

Moving house is a complicated and stressful task. Unfortunately, having to accommodate pets during the whole removal process can make life even more difficult! That’s why it’s important to help your furry friends deal with the transition.

Take a look at these tips to ensure your move runs as smoothly as possible and your pet’s needs are met at all times.

Stick to your pet’s normal routine as much as possible

One of the keys to helping to ensure your pet stays comfortable is to try stick to their normal routine in the build-up to moving day. If you’ve got a dog, continue to feed and walk them at the same time. This will help to minimise the amount of change they have to deal with, and decrease stress as a result.

Make sure they’re identifiable

It’s important to ensure that your pets are given new identification tags containing the latest contact information for your family.  This will ensure that if they somehow get separated during the move that it’ll be much easier for the people that pick them up to locate you.

Help them get used to carriers

As a general rule, pets will usually have to be put in a carrier or crate as part of the move. That’s why it’s a good idea to try and help them get used to the idea. If you give them a few hours a day in the carrier in the lead up to the big move, they’ll be more comfortable staying in one when they actually need to.

Ensure that they’re healthy

Although this is more relevant to international moves, it’s important to ensure that your pet is fully vaccinated and healthy enough to deal with a long journey. If the move is an especially long one, it could also be possible to ask the vet if using a sedative would be a good idea to help calm your pet during the journey.

Make sure you’re in keeping with the law

If the journey is over international waters, then it’s essential to ensure that all the quarantine and import laws of the country are being followed to the letter. These will need to be researched online in advance of the move, and it can be a good idea to call the government body in charge of pets to double check anything you’re unsure about.

Ensure they’re comfortable

It’s important to make sure that your pets are put in a safe place with food and water where they’re unable to escape. Ask any friends and movers helping to not disturb them during the journey.

Let them adjust

As with the children, your pets will take time to adjust to their nice new home. It’s important to ensure that they’re allowed to do so at their own pace. When you open the crate or carrier, try to do so in a secure, quiet place that they’ll feel comfortable exploring. Try and establish as early on as possible exactly where the food and water base will be for them, and where they can head to the bathroom. It’s also a good idea to try and take dogs for a walk as soon as possible to allow them to get used to the surrounding area.

Be loving

The move is a big transition for your pets, so it’s important to ensure that they’re given all the necessary love and support to help to make them feel comfortable with the change.  Whether it’s giving them a little extra treat here and there or simply being a bit more affectionate before and after the move, you need to let your pet know that they’re still loved and will be safe and secure in their new environment.

In conclusion

The key is to try and help your pet feel as ‘at-home’ as possible throughout the moving process.  The less change is visible to them, the easier they’ll find it to keep calm.

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License: Royalty Free or iStock
source: www.sxc.hu
Karen Jones is the founder of Pets on the Move, an animal courier company dedicated to helping pets (and their owners) move overseas.