
Holiday Shopping Goes Social Buying Recommendations from Loved Ones Most Important

Holiday Shopping Goes Social Buying Recommendations from Loved Ones Most Important

With the holiday season just around the corner, let’s check out how consumers all over the world have taken to the supermarket. No longer will you find yourself stuck in long queues in front of your favourite mall to buy a pair of socks. It’s more like you would be sitting in the comfort of your home, flocking to one of the numerous websites, browsing through hundreds of pairs of socks and so much more.

The digital world has overhauled the entire concept of shopping. The era of physical shopping is soon evolving into online shopping.  Social media is one of the driving factors for this change. Consumers no longer base their decisions solely on what brands advertise. They interact with their peers and follow what social celebs are purchasing and based on their recommendations, suggestions and choices, they make a buying decision

The most credible form of advertising comes straight from the people we know and trust. According to the Nielsen Global Trust 83 percent of online respondents in 60 countries say they trust the recommendations of friends and family.  According to Crowd Tap, the biggest influencer for holiday shopping was recommendations from friends and family on social media, with 68 percent of survey participants ranking at the top. 63 percent were influenced by Amazon reviews, and 24 percent were swayed by blogger endorsements. Traditional media and celebrity endorsements filled out the bottom three on the list.

Mobile-purchasing is gaining grounds. Mobile devices are no longer used only for browsing. The concept today is more about, “buy it if you like it”. Online and mobile formats make it exceptionally easy for consumers to live in the moment and take quick action on the advertisement. Often, consumers simply click a link and they’re directed to a place where they can receive more information or purchase the item. 67 percent use social sites on mobile devices while shopping.14 percent are sharing deals via social media and 13 percent are texting friends to validate their purchasing decisions.


Author Bio:

Amy is currently a Senior Business architect with the Service operations practice at a well-known IT Industry in US. She has worked in several process improvement projects involving multi-national teams for global customers. She has over 8 years of experience in mortgage technology and has successfully executed several projects in logistics management, logistics integration, AdServer Solutions, campaign management software solution, warranty software and programmatic solutions.

Image Source: http://blog.crowdtap.it/2014/12/holiday-shopping-goes-social-infographic/