
Home Insurance – What Is and Isn’t Covered

If you have home insurance, it means you pay a certain amount of premium to secure your home and expect to be reimbursed for any property damage that is likely to arise. However, it is not that simple. Insurance companies try as hard as possible to minimize their losses by paying the lowest amount they can. It is for this reason that you need to involve a lawyer in property damage claims to help you get a reasonable reimbursement.

What Sort of Property Damage Claims Can Your Lawyer Help You With?

Your property claims lawyer will help you with scenarios that cause property damage and are covered by your policy. These include:

Who is Held Liable?

In cases of property damage, the main culprits are the developer, contractor, engineer or designer of the house. These people may be sued for negligence because the law requires them to follow particular standards when working and also because they owe you a duty of care.

Many home owners’ insurance policies do not cover damage brought by mold, bacteria, and fungi. However, if mold arises due to an accidental or sudden hidden danger, like a pipe bursting, you may be compensated. Claims are usually rejected if the mold was caused due to negligence on your part.

The first thing your flood damage attorney will do is help you determine liability. Your lawyer will use their firm’s investigators to determine liability and make a valid claim for compensation.

Assistance with Legal Procedures

After determining who is liable for damages to your home, flood damage law firms will apply the relevant laws to ensure you are reimbursed in full. Your lawyer will be instrumental in filing the claim expeditiously and reaching an amicable solution with the insurance company based on your policy’s terms and conditions. If your lawyer fails to agree with the insurance company, they will represent you in a court trial which is likely to give you a more favorable judgment.

Legal Fees

One benefit of hiring a lawyer to deal with your flood damage insurance claim is that you do not need to pay them upfront. The only time you will have to pay them is if you win the case. This also known as legal representation based on a contingency fee. This is beneficial for most people, as short of winning the lottery they wouldn’t have the money to pay for the fees racked up during the trial unless they win the case. This is also what ensures your firm works their hardest to win your case and get you the maximum amount eligible to you.

Filing a claim against an insurance company for property damage is no easy fete. Insurance providers are known to win in such matters if you are ill prepared. The essence of hiring a lawyer is to determine liability, get competent legal representation, for sufficient preparation of evidence, and to ensure you are not compensated less than you deserve.