
Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain

Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be caused by inflamed tendons, pulled muscles.  Pain in the wrist bone may be due to osteoporosis, may occur in the muscles, ligaments, pain due to excessive use or lesions.  For strong shoulder pains, it is best to consult a specialist doctor. For minor shoulder pains, you can apply some very simple, natural treatments in your home.



Nothing difficult, but just a shower. The strength of the water will relax the muscles, releasing the tension that causes the pain and stimulates the circulation of the blood. Recommended for hydrotherapy,  hot water, and cold water. Stay 5 minutes under cold water, then another 5 minutes under hot water.

Olive Oil

Heat the oil a little and apply it on the painful shoulder. Gently massage the shoulder muscles, putting a little pressure in the area for 10-15 minutes. Oil will help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling and stiffness. Finally, put a warm towel on your freshly-massed shoulder. Repeat the process for a few times a day until you feel less pain in your shoulder.

Salt Epsom

Epsom Salt is known for fighting muscular pain as it releases pressure and reduces stress. Magnesium sulphate present in the epsom salt works on the muscles that have lost their elasticity. Let the warm water flow into the tub, add 5 tablespoons of epsom salt and mix to dissolve. Stay in the water for 20 minutes, massaging the neck area through circular movements. This treatment is not recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes.

The essential Oil of Lavender

Another remedy for neck pain is the essential oil of lavender. Take a warm bath to relax the muscles, then massage the pain-affected area with lavender oil through gentle circular movements for 5-7 minutes. Massage helps stimulate blood circulation.

Cold Therapy

Cold therapy causes lower body temperature, affecting the nervous system and releasing tension in the muscles. So you need a towel and some ice cubes. Put the ice in the towel and keep it in the area where the pain you feels. Repeat more than once. You will see how the pain will disappear.

Ginger Tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that combat pain completely. Put 2-3 slices of ginger (fresh) in 250 ml of hot water. Let them boil for 10 minutes, then squeeze it. Add a spoonful of honey in the tea and then stir. Drinking two cups per day.