
Hottest Gym Trends 2017

Getting into shape can be a daunting and uninspiring battle and if you do not fully get into the routine or become motivated to change, then it’s so easy to change and revert back to your old ways. When you are wearing a new outfit, it almost gives you the courage to become more motivated and even want to go to the gym. Here are some of the hottest gym trends this year…

Workout Leggings:

Compression leggings and track pants are HOT at the moment, and both men and women are benefiting from this trend. Not only do these leggings look really cool, in different colours and patterns, but the compression from the leggings is actually designed to assist with performance in mind. They can offer warmth and insulation in chilly environments and can help to give you a better workout. The compression against your muscles can help to support your muscles and can prevent those awful post-gym aches.


Although there are so many different shoe styles to choose from, it’s important that you consider the training you like to do and choose a shoe that will assist you. If you enjoy running and do a lot of cardio, then a shoe that is lightweight and can take a lot of impact and can protect your feet is the perfect choice – there are so many different brands, colours and styles that you are bound to find a pair that you like. Again, if you’re into high-intensity training, then find a flat solid shoe that won’t compress over time.


Wearing a trusty hoodie is always a great gym choice. You can feel comfortable whilst you work up and really work up a sweat in the process. Getting to that optimum fat burning temperature is the goal at the end of the day, so anything that can help you get to that is great. Zip up hoodies really help to tie your whole outfit together and can make you feel more comfortable to work out.