
How AI In Healthcare Became The World’s Biggest Industry In Less Than A Year!

How AI In Healthcare Became The World’s Biggest Industry In Less Than A Year!

In recent times, Python data science courses have proved to be the driving force against the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to Cloud and Mobile application development companies, a large number of AI startups have also joined hands with the government and vaccine research groups to reduce the casualties and fatalities caused by virus infection. There are constantly more AI startups improving technology in healthcare than ever before now that online services are being used so widely. If you are looking for a role in AI ML engineering, Python data science course for healthcare is your best opportunity.

The only common string that connects all of us today is not just the cultural shift toward automation and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. There is one more common aspect to our lives today — the fear of COVID-19 and the spirit to unitedly fight against this pandemic has brought the spotlight back on AI ML for healthcare courses.

What the numbers state about role of AI in Healthcare in COVID Era?

In 2015, there were less than 50 startups and research groups involved in any kind of AI development studies for healthcare. By 2020, the number of AI startups in healthcare has swelled to 250+. By 2025, the number is expected to further grow to 1500 and more. Python and R are the leading data science programming languages that Healthcare software vendors consider as clear CV shortlisting criteria.

If you are looking for a potential career in data science with Python and R programming languages, here is what you should know —

Market Evaluation

You would be part of a perpetually high demand industry, which adds $150 billion per year to leading healthcare adoption centers in the US, UK, Germany and India. If data analysts are to be believed, the number could be around $500 billion if China, Russia and North Korea are also evaluated.

Acquisition of AI in healthcare startups alone would generate over $600 billion by 2025; and, over 60% of these companies would arise from the Indian subcontinent.

Top Medical Applications that Use AI and Python Data Science Tools

I have pointed out the top medical applications that are already at play in various Python data science course and projects. You can refer to our blogs on Data Science to understand how a beginner can advance through courses and internships in dedicated streams related to AI ML in Healthcare.

1 – Internet of Things or IOT

There are 25 billion Medical IoT devices actively used in the world. The number is expected to explode to 200 billion by 2025, and if the pandemic crisis continues at this rate, we might exceed this projection by 2023! Simply put, IoT devices for healthcare are fitness trackers, wearables, smart phone health detection, portable smart kits, and AI-based health diagnostic kits.

I prefer to call these tools as Internet of Medical Things/ IoMT, just to ensure we have a clear distinction between commercial IoTs and IoMTs. During the pandemic, nearly 90% of the patients were screened and monitored using IoMTs, such as mobile app, patient monitoring gadgets, in-unit personalization diagnostics and so on. Robotic screening, virtual chats and automated voice calls saved thousands of lives in the new normal environment.

Top IOT Blog: How to Derive and Analyze Data from the IoT

Intelligent Automation

Contactless surgery and dentistry are popular examples of Intelligent Automation and Augmented Intelligence that we see in Healthcare domain.

IA and AI, together go hand in hand, to not only perform contactless screenings, diagnostic tests and pathology-related extraction.


Next Wave of Medicines

One of the biggest AI ML examples in medical is that of drug discovery.

Today, pharma companies are leveraging AI ML research tools to screen billions of drug related data and compare these with existing patient healthcare data and population data.

The next wave of medicines for pandemic can not only combat current situation but also help create vaccines for future diseases.


Sensors are vital for diagnostics. The sensors are available for connection with IOT and mobile applications. These sensors are used to improve clinical efficiencies across various healthcare operations, including for biometric checkers, Home-based monitoring, infant monitoring and neuro technology.

Making AI Work

In recent times, a large number of medical companies and healthcare service providers have begun investing into Data Science and Python AI projects created by startups, and open source development groups. Python-based data scientists are not only contributing to the growth of healthcare applications in IoT, Big Data, Mobile applications, Personalization tools, Security and Cloud, but also in advanced thermal imaging, facial recognition for patient data management and automated hospital management solutions.