
How Oral Health Influences The Entire Body

Several different studies have shown that people with periodontal disease are under a much higher risk of developing knee osteoarthritis, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Therefore, brushing, flossing, and going to the dentist is very important for both the health of the teeth and the rest of the body. However, there are other ways in which oral health is connected to an entire body.

How Oral Health Influences The Entire BodyHow Plaque Affects the Dental Health

When we eat or drink foods or beverages that contain sugars, the bacteria release acids that attack the tooth enamel. This is why plaque is constantly forming on teeth, and it is inevitable. Because of the plaque, the acid is always on teeth, which causes breaking down the enamel. All of this, results in tooth decay.

Not only does plaque cause tooth decay, but a gum disease as well. Gingivitis is the first step to gum disease, and it can be recognized through the tender and swollen gums that sometimes bleed. If gingivitis is not treated, it can lead to severe periodontal disease.

Connection to Heart Disease

Many studies have brought periodontal disease, in connection to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. Up to 91% of patients that suffered from heart disease have periodontitis, unlike 66% of people without heart disease. Smoking, unhealthy diet, and excess weight are just some of the risks the two conditions have in common.  Furthermore, some doctors believe that periodontitis is directly connected to the high risk of heart disease.


The body’s ability to control blood sugar is apparently weakened by the inflammation that starts in the mouth. Furthermore, diabetes and periodontitis are very closely connected, considering high blood sugar enables gum infections to grow. Fortunately, if you manage one condition it can help control the other one as well.

According to a 2011 study, dentists could identify people with diabetes 73 percent of the time by counting their missing teeth. Furthermore, examining the abnormal openings between the tooth and gums helps the doctors identify the diabetes patient as well. Considering a large amount of people is not even aware of having diabetes, a dentist can help you discover it.

Knee Arthritis

A 2012 study have shown oral bacteria could potentially contribute to certain cases of knee osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The synovial fluid found in the joints of 36 people with knee arthritis was tested, and gum bacteria were found in the fluid of five patients.


Many factors can contribute to premature deliveries, but researchers are trying to find out if gum disease can be one of them. The development of foetus is definitely affected by infection and inflammation. The best way to have a healthy pregnancy is to undergo a periodontal exam. Whether it is during or before pregnancy, orthodontist Sydney can help you do the necessary examinations in order to identify whether you are at risk or not. Some researchers have speculated that the immune response to gum infections is possible to cause preterm labour. A study in Australia showed that women who suffered from gum disease took over 7 months to conceive, unlike the women without gum disease who took 5 months to become pregnant.

Respiratory Illness

Unfortunately, bacteria in the mouth may also have a bad influence on lungs, if a person breathes in tooth plaque. Pneumonia and other severe respiratory disease can be the result of this process. Furthermore, bacteria in the airways can make chronic lung conditions even worse, and cause emphysema.

Oral Health and Osteoporosis

Bone loss is the thing osteoporosis and periodontitis have in common. Namely, osteoporosis affects the long bones in the arms and legs, while the jawbone is the one affected by gum disease. Furthermore, periodontitis mainly affects men, while osteoporosis is more common among women. Finally, some studies suggested that gum disease is more often in women with osteoporosis than in those without.

Aside from all of these causes, smoking and obesity can also lead to gum infections and cause major problems inside the body. Oral hygiene might not seem so important to some people, but it is paramount if we want to have a healthy body. Brush, floss, visit your orthodontist regularly, and keep the smile flawlessly white so that the rest of your body would not have to suffer some great consequences.