
How To Deal With Nerves Before An Important Speech

If you’ve ever been in front of a crowd that expects you to say a few words, then you know it can be nerve-wracking. It’s entirely normal to feel anxious – after all, it’s not a normal thing to do. Speaking to a large crowd is unnatural and seems to be reserved only for leaders who are born to motivate a large amount of people.

The truth is, however, that even the most seasoned speakers still feel those old butterflies in the stomach before they go on stage – it takes years of practice before you start feeling comfortable with the concept. Not to worry, however; there are things you can do to calm yourself and get ready for the best speech of your life. Here’s how to deal with nerves before an important speech.

Preparation is key

There simply is no substitute – preparation is key, no matter how good you are or how long you have been giving speeches. Your chances of rising to the occasion are far better if you can fall back on a great preparation. This does not only include writing and rewriting your speech – it also includes the preparations for what is going on behind the scenes, out of sight, such as having important points transcribed by transcription services. By relying on professional transcription services to write down what’s important, you relieve yourself of time and stress as well.


When you’re nervous, you tend to have adrenaline flowing through your veins; and this in turn tends to shallow your breathing. Practice breathing in and out deliberately to get that oxygen that you need so much. Be conscious about your breath intake and practice it.

Have water handy

Adrenaline (due to nervousness) also tends to cause a dry mouth – have some water handy so you can take sips now and again. It will improve your delivery.


Smile, for your audience’s benefit as well as yours. When you smile, you automatically relax.

Be animated

Don’t stand at the same spot all the time. Move around. Use hand gestures. Be animated.

Perhaps the greatest trick is this: stop thinking about how you might be doing and focus on the audience – focus on what they want to hear. You’re there for a reason, after all, and when all is said and done, your message will be more important than your presence. It’s perfectly okay for you to take a few seconds and check your notes if you feel you get stuck. It’s perfectly acceptable if you mix up the words and need to repeat or clarify yourself once in a while. What matters is that you deliver your message in a clear way, and that the audience understands your point of view. All else is secondary. Be clear, be confident, and know you are there for a reason. Good luck!