
How to Decorate Your First Apartment

How to Decorate Your First Apartment

Congratulations, you’ve achieved one of the toughest milestones of being an adult: getting your own apartment. Now that you have a place of your own, it’s time you decorate your friendly abode. As much as people dread it, decorating your first apartment doesn’t have to burn a hole in your budget.

Rest assured, there are several budget-friendly ways to decorate your new home. In this post, we’ll be discussing awesome tips and tricks that’ll help you get started.

Here goes:

You Don’t Need to Cram a lot of Furniture

Trust us, you don’t have to cram a lot of furniture to make the place seem furnished. Make do with a cozy couch and an elegant coffee table. Add cute throw-pillows and coasters to the mix and you’ll be surprised by how colorful the place looks.

If you’re on a low budget, start small by paying attention to little details. Stock up on things like rugs, art from the dollar store and window treatments. It might not sound exciting, but slow decorating really is the way if you’re struggling financially. As time goes by, you can acquire new furniture and add more items to the mix.

Go Scavenger Hunting

You don’t have to find the most expensive furniture and rugs in town, remember, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. We suggest you save up for more important things like next month’s rent or some groceries.

This is your first apartment which means it’s perfectly fine to look for stuff at garage sales and junk shops. You might even find cool stuff at estate sales

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Paint

Using paint is one of the fastest ways to transform a dull and boring space. You can also add wall murals and illustrations on the walls if that’s something you can do by yourself. Ask a fellow friend to help you out in exchange for a nice dinner and some good company.

If you’re renting the space, we advise you opt for a lighter color that one can easily paint over when you eventually move out. If you’ve got a tiny apartment, opting for brighter colors will accentuate natural light, making your home look bigger and more spacious. Alternatively, if you want to opt for a fancier look, mix and match different textures to create something interesting.

DYI Whenever Possible

If you don’t like the idea of thrift stores, consider taking up DIY projects. You can do wonders by creating a cute wood cart for your apartment. These carts are incredibly easy to make and will certainly go with your overall décor if you’re aiming for a rustic look. Bar carts will add more character to your room and the DIY route will give you a fun project to work on for the weekend.

Spice Things Up in the Kitchen

With bills piling up and all the stress about student loans, we can only assume that your first kitchen isn’t going to be the most appealing. Life is tough when you first get out of college but that doesn’t mean you can’t turn things around.

Upgrade your modest kitchen by adding a colorful splash of paint. Adding a cute table in the center if space allows is also a good call. You can make most out of the tiny area by investing in storage containers or by looking up storage hacks online. Planting your own little herb garden by the window or putting up hanging plants is another great way to make the space livelier.

Slip-On Furniture Cover

If you don’t quite have the budget to buy new furniture and intend to borrow old stuff from your friends, slipcovers can be your savior. These can hide unpleasant dust marks or stains that might upset your guests. This is a great way to upgrade pieces that are old and towards the verge of extinction.

Use this fun guide to make your own slipcovers, you won’t be disappointed!

If you’ve been searching for the best moving companies in NYC, relax. Remember, moving into a new apartment is hassle-free if you’ve done your homework. We hope you’ve enjoyed our guide on how to decorate your first apartment. If you have any additional or first-hand tips, don’t forget to share them with fellow readers!