
How To Decorate Your Home For The Fall Holidays On A Budget

The fall months bring crisp, cool air and gorgeous, colorful leaves. Not only do you have to get through back-to-school, but before you know it you’ll be preparing for the fall holidays – Halloween and then Thanksgiving. Decorating your home may not be at the top of your list, especially financially, but the good news is you can definitely do so on a relatively limited budget.

General Fall Decorations

Keep your fall decorations pretty neutral. A door wreath with fall leaves and pumpkins can easily represent the season, Halloween, and Thanksgiving together. Scarecrows can also be used throughout – that is, if you don’t buy spooky versions.

Mums are also great for the holidays. Look for them early and you’ll likely find them on sale. The fall colors will brighten the outside of your home and will last throughout the season as well. Mums can be expensive, depending on where you go. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled at local grocery stores, at flea markets, and at local gardening supply stores.

Pumpkin Picking

Pumpkin picking can be inexpensive and will also offer you some great home decor. Go early enough to enjoy them but late enough to ensure they’ll last. If you’re going to carve them for Halloween, wait until just a few nights before so they’ll last through the event. And don’t forget to save the seeds for roasting!

Indoor Color Patterns

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on specific decorations for the entire home. Changing your color schemes to match the season can help, too, and you can use the same items year after year. Look for deep reds, oranges, yellows, and browns and use those colors for tablecloths, bedspreads, throw pillows, throw rugs, and even bathroom linens. The warm colors will compliment any other decoration you choose. You can see this sort of idea when you browse online home decor stores and local shops in your area.

Make your own Decorations

Break out the craft supplies and let the kids get busy! Let them make pictures, paint pre-cut wooden pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons, turkeys, and leaves, and paint miniature pumpkins. You’ll have a blast, your home will be appropriately decorated for your children, and you’ll be able to have some quality family time with the kids while you work.

Spending a little bit of money each year to expand your collection is more fun than spending it all at once. Between investing in seasonal decor and making your own, you’ll have a blast and be able to enjoy your home all season long.

Image credit – Wikimedia Commons