
How To Fire An Employee Tactfully

How To Fire An Employee Tactfully

Running a business is hard enough, but when you have to fire one of your employees? It can be complicated. And messy. There’s a reason this task is usually delegated. But take a deep breath and keep reading. Employ these tactics to maximize your efficacy and minimize the awkwardness when letting an employee go.

Use the Criticism Sandwich

One of the most crucial aspects of firing someone is being considerate of their feelings. After all, if you do it the wrong way, they could have an emotional outburst. This is bad for their psychology, but it’s also awkward for you and any employees who might overhear. Overly emotional former employees are also more likely to seek retaliatory action against you.

To deliver the news in the best way, use something called the criticism sandwich. First, compliment the employee on the great work they have done or the good parts about their personality. Then, don’t waste any time. Deliver the bad news straight up. However, then quickly finish by telling them again the great things they have done. This helps to soften the blow and makes you look more professional.

This technique is more effective for some employees than others, so go with your gut, and make sure you don’t downplay the severity of the terminating offense.

Don’t Fire on Friday

Common knowledge dictates that employees should be terminated on Friday. This gives you the whole week to prepare, and it tends to be more convenient for payroll. But being fired is a traumatic experience, and some employees may wish to seek personal counseling or to visit an employment office the next day. These services are usually closed on the weekends, so it’s better to just rip the bandage off and get it over with early in the week, at the beginning of the day. Firing them on Friday also ruins their weekend, and that’s just cruel.

Know Your Laws

Business litigation is a tricky subject. You want to avoid being sued by a former employee at all costs. What is considered legal in California could be illegal in Ohio, for example, so understanding the subtleties will make all the difference. Making a mistake in this area could affect your finances and your reputation. So read up on your local laws, or better yet consult a legal expert to make sure you stay within the regulations of firing practice.

Keep Your Mouth Shut

A recent firing can be hot gossip in the average office, and it may be tempting to share details with coworkers. However, to avoid the firing being a major problem, refrain from making comments on it after the fact. Not only could this get you into a legal bind, it could cause controversy in your business. This includes talking to other employees and especially social media, which is well known to make a bad situation worse. By not saying anything, the whole incident will blow over and it will be business as usual. It’s also a much more professional way to run your company.

Firing an employee is never enjoyable, but you can still make it as efficient and tolerable as possible for both parties by using the above methods. This can also help you mitigate risk for your business, set a good example, and create a better future for your investment.