
How To Grow Hair Faster In A Week (Complete Guide)

How To Grow Hair Faster In A Week

Inspired by Rapunzel’s long tangles of hair that can leave any man in awe of what they’ve witnessed?

Are you follically challenged? Are you here to find out how to grow hair faster in a week? You are in the right place!

Hair growth depends greatly on genetics and stress, and, apparently, on excessive styling or a low iron count.

For rapid hair growth, millions of tips and tricks are suggested; but what works wonders if you have a week for the upcoming event?

How to Grow Hair Faster in a Week?

Nourishing hair treatments including warm oil massage on the scalp, stress-free hair care routine and consumption of vital nutrients to help hair grow must not be ignored.

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Within a week, you will grow your hair naturally fast by optimizing the hair growth with a little bit of extra care.

Here are hair growth tricks for faster hair growth

  1. Eat healthy, nutritious, and balanced diet:

Be it mental beauty or physical beauty, your diet determines the natural beauty of it. Putting on hair serums or conditioners appears futile and even costly when your body is lacking in the essential nutrients.

These essential nutrients, when produced by the body itself are crucial for healthy cell functions. When proteins are applied externally, they are easily washed off with water.

Therefore, stick to a balanced diet to boost maximum hair growth within a week. Check out these hair growth vitamins and inculcate them in your diet for only a week:

  1. Zinc—promotes hair follicle health and prevents hair fall. Zinc is present in oysters, cereals, beef, etc.
  2. Iron—prevents hair fall. Iron is present in beans, spinach, and shellfish.
  3. Vitamin C—it improves iron absorption. Vitamin C is found in red peppers, oranges, strawberries, and broccoli.
  4. Protein—hair is made of keratin that grows from the follicles.
  5. Omega Fatty Aids—Omega-6 fatty acids promote hair growth and decrease skin inflammation. Omega fatty acids are found in chia seeds, eggs, salmon, and nuts.
  1. Apply Hair Masks

Washing off hair masks, conditioners, or oils quickly leads to inadequate absorption of nutrients by the scalp. Let the conditioner or oil sit in for longer to increase the absorption of essential nutrients.

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Whenever you are preparing a hair mask, ensure that it is free of harmful sulfates and fragrances to prevent irritated skin or dryness of your skin or hair. Once you wash your hair with a shampoo, apply an ample amount of conditioner. Leave it in for 15 minutes before a final rinse.

  1. Deep Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is immensely calming, so make it a ritual to massage your scalp with your fingers for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing the shampoo off or while applying hair oil. It promotes blood circulation and cleanses the dirt off the hair follicles to prevent dry and damaged hair.

Moreover, when an ample amount of blood is supplied to the follicles, the process of hair growth speeds up. Also, it offers mental relaxation and stress-relief, which is a huge reason behind hair fallout.

Apply an ample amount of shampoo and massage it in your hair using circular motions from the front to the back. You can massage hair oil on dry, dull, and damaged hair to maximize the absorption of nutrients into the scalp.

Warm oil massage is greatly beneficial for people with damaged or thinning hair. Hair oil is perfect to treat your hair ends too.

Tip: If you wish to massage your hair regularly and are too lazy to do it; get a wire scalp massager. It’s amazing for hair growth and strength.

  1. Use Hair Serums

Serums are nourishing for your hair and lock the moisture inside your hair after blow-drying or other heat treatments. In winters, dryness is a huge hair care problem; therefore, serums work miracles in that case. Keep your hair nourished all the way from the scalp to your hair ends with hair serums. Massage your scalp properly while applying hair serums.

  1. Use Organic Hair Products

Shampoos and conditioners are stuffed with synthetic chemicals as well as fragrances that are harsh on your hair. They strip the hair off of the nutrients and moisture required for healthy hair. So, keep it organic!

Whenever you will by your next shampoo, check out the ingredients carefully. It should be devoid of synthetic fragrances, drying alcohols, silicones and phthalates, and harsh detergents such as sulfates.

Go for argan oil, essential oils, avocado oil, coconut oil, herbs, and other botanicals that perfectly suit your skin and hair type. Coconut oil should be your best choice.

How Can You Grow Hair With the Inversion Method?

Haven’t heard about inversion method, let’s have a look at what this magical treatment is all about!

If you wish to achieve 1 inch of hair growth within a week, the Inversion Method is the right solution.

Disclaimer: It may not work for everyone; but what’s bad with giving it a try?


  1. Trim off the split ends to prevent it from affecting the results.
  2. Know your hair length with a measuring tape.
  3. Sit on a chair and hang your hair downwards between your legs. You can try inversion methods of yoga to increase the blood flow towards your head—the only condition is to place your head below your heart level. However, in the case of dizziness or light-headedness, discontinue the practice.
  4. Massage your scalp while maintaining the position for 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Along with the practice, keeping your hair nourished is important. For that purpose, treat your hair with olive oil, coconut oil, argan oil while massaging. Hair oils are the best conditioners to keep them stronger and shinier.
  6. Keep on repeating the exercise for a week, and see the results.
  7. As for the repetition of the exercise, repeat it again after a month’s break.

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Naturally?

In a month, hair grows by only half an inch, but what about people who have faster hair growth? What’s their magical secret? Its diet and health that matters the most!

If you have a slower hair growth or worst hair fall problem, it’s better to consult a certified physician to rule out the possibilities of the thyroid and nutritional deficiency.

To increase the growth of your hair, you need to learn some DIYs aka hair treatments that include the usage of natural ingredients.

The better you care for your hair, the better would be the results!

Hair Treatment #1

As per Valerie Ann Worwood, the author of The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, the essential oils of mint and rosemary boost hair growth.


  1. Pour equal portions of castor oil and jojoba oil in a plastic bottle; then, add in the vitamin E capsules. Shake well to mix the oils perfectly.
  2. Add several drops of rosemary and peppermint essential oils. Shake it again to mix the oils.
  3. Take out 1/4th of the portion of oil mixture into your palm.
  4. Massage it deeply into the roots of your hair, especially the areas of hair loss or slow growth.
  5. Take a towel dipped in lukewarm water or slightly boiling one. Wrap it around your head to let the scalp soak in all the nourishment. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, then cold water.
  6. Treat your hair once every week to promote hair growth, and to end all hair problems.

Million Dollars Tip for Oily Hair: Just kidding, but to save you from further trouble, it’s best to substitute carrot oil and sesame oil for castor oils and jojoba oil for oily hair. If you wash your hair in the morning regularly, apply the mixture before sleep to be left in the hair overnight. Cover your pillow with a towel to protect the bedding.

Hair Treatment #2

Rice facial is popular Chinese trick to lighten and whiten the skin. As for your hair, rice water is miraculous too.

Yao women have been using the fermented rice water treatment for the year to keep their hair long and strong.

Basically, rice water has essential minerals, antioxidants, inositol, vitamin E, which protect the hair from damage.


  1. Rinse a cup of rice thoroughly, clean them and place them in a bowl with water filling almost to the brim.
  2. Let the rice soak for 15 minutes or slightly more.
  3. Pour the water into an air-tight container to leave them for a day. Keep it until it turns sour.
  4. Boil the water in a pan, and let it cool.
  5. Add a few drops of essential oil of your choice, then use it as a substitute for shampoo by massage it well into the hair. Rinse it off with cold water.

It’s a proven remedy for how to grow hair faster in a week!

Hair Treatment #3

Here’s another trick to make your hair grow fast with Jojoba oil.

Jojoba oil is an effective hair moisturizer. It’s an essential ingredient of many high-end hair care products due to its ability to strengthen your hair and prevent breakages.


  1. Warm a little bit of Jojoba oil in the microwave (almost 1 to 2tsp).
  2. Apply it directly to the scalp and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes.
  3. Massage it gently for a while.
  4. Rinse it off with warm water, and then cold water.

5 Easy Tips to Grow Hair Fast

Here is a list of tips on how to grow hair faster in a week

  1. Frequent Trims are Necessary

It might sound puzzling to trim off those long hair off and on only to increase their length. Basically, regular trims help you get rid of split ends and dried ends. Split ends are damaging to your hair and, most specifically, your hair length.

  1. Avoid Taking Stress

Mental wellbeing is essential for hair growth. Stress is a well-known cause of hair fall. Try yoga, walk, exercise on a daily basis to keep your stress manageable; and your hair long and shiny.

  1. Use Hair-Boosting Supplements

Multivitamins are great for your skin as well as hair health. Due to our hectic routines, we much on junk more than healthy foods. Our body begins to lack in essential vitamins—therefore, consume them in the form of supplements.

Vitamins, especially ‘for hair’, are the biotin tablets that contain the key vitamins for healthy hair.

Caution: Don’t forget to consult the doctor before taking any multivitamins.

  1. Brush Your Hair Twice a Day

Regular brushing helps to de-stress your mind, and it evenly distributes your natural scalp oils in your hair. Use a boar bristle hairbrush to naturally nourish your scalp.

This routine also increases the blood circulation that promotes hair health and hair growth.

  1. A Balanced Diet with a Balanced Life

It’s essential to maintain a balanced diet along with proper exercise routine and proper sleep at night. Not only it will affect your hair, but it’s a solution for a radiant, glowing, and healthy skin. It will affect your overall physical and mental health too.

  1. Eat for Your Hair

Hair keratins require you to have high protein intake for proper nourishment. Therefore, it’s recommended to consume high-protein diets for your hair. Include beans, fish, nuts, and whole grains in your diet to keep your skin and hair shining and healthy.

  1. Avoid Heat Styling Your Hair

Over-styling with electric hair-styling tools proves damaging to your hair. Regular straightening or curling of your hair will lead to dull and damaged hair. Instead of blow-drying, air dry your hair. Always apply a heat protectant to lock in the moisture and oils of your hair before styling.

Final verdict

Increasing hair growth within a week is no big deal. All you need to do is improve your diet and hair care routine. Nourish the hair follicles deeply to promote hair growth. Scalp massage is greatly essential for fast hair growth, so add it religiously to your routine.

Try out the suggested hair treatments, and let us in the comments how well did it go?