
How To Keep The Unconscious Bias Away From Your Hiring Process

The moment a hiring manager sees a resume, his or her mind makes some unconscious decisions about the applicant. The gender, colour, religion and other factors become the causes of these judgments. Mostly, the lifestyle and the conditioning of the hiring manager or the recruiter decides these decisions. But no employer wants to hire a person on the basis of these useless factors.

In order to get rid of the unconscious bias, many enterprises today are following the method of blind hiring. The process allows the hires to stay influenced by the positive factors such as the candidate’s skills, qualifications and financial aptitude in some cases.

Most of the times, the biases related to the gender, colour or religion comes unconsciously. So, this article helps you eliminate those biases and make the hiring process effective for your enterprise.  

  1. Motivate no name applications: The applications with no name can help you reduce the initial intentional or unconscious biases. In the ‘no name’ applications, you ask for the job applications, resume, and CVs without the name of the candidates on them. Or the hiring managers can promote this culture in order to make sure that the hiring process doesn’t get influenced by the person’s culture, background or other personal experiences of the authorities.  
  1. Online Assessment of the skills: The pre-employment assessment tests become highly effective in making the hiring process skill driven. Hence, the biases go away automatically. The goal of the tests to evaluate the skills of the candidates for the job role. For instance, if the job requires the financial knowledge, then, you can conduct the financial information aptitude test for the candidate evaluation. The achieved data has the highest standards and the right candidate gets the job.  
  1. Get multiple perspectives during the interview: The human interaction makes the biases inevitable. However, you can reduce the bias by including multiple people in the interview process. People such as the hiring managers, department head, stakeholders and others can provide multiple perspectives of a candidate’s suitability for the job. Also, provide a guideline to the panels in order to keep their decision according to the genuine and job focused factors.

With this approach, you will be able to attain the valuable knowledge on the candidate’s skills.  

  1. Use the right questions during the interview: The person interviewing should completely avoid asking questions related to the age, gender, nationality, colour, sexual orientation or any other that bring out the bias and don’t have any relevancy to the job.

You should create a strict question policy for your hiring managers in order ensure that the right questions are asked during the interview procedure. However, the conversation about the experience and knowledge of the candidate’s is acceptable.

Companies have understood the importance of hiring the right person for the job. Hence, more and more businesses are leveraging this type of selection methods in order to avoid bias in hiring.

So, start using these tips and make sure you pick the right person for the best performance in your company.