
How To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly This Christmas

How To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly This Christmas

We are now getting to the much colder months, which means energy bills are going to get more expensive. Whilst increased energy usage over the winter is not completely unavoidable, there are some things you can do to reduce your bill! Some of these things require an investment and others will cost you nothing at all. The things that are going to cost some money will definitely save you plenty in the long run! No matter your budget, we have the right method to help you conserve energy and save money this winter. 

Change Your Boiler

The first thing you can do to conserve energy in your home is change your boiler. Boiler’s are one of the first things you should change as they have the ability to significantly reduce the amount of energy you are using. Although newer, energy-efficient boilers are quite an investment, they will certainly be worth it over the years. Your house will stay warmer and you will be spending less money. 

Speak to your plumber about the best energy efficient boilers for your home. It is best to bite the bullet and invest in this now to save you so much money over the next few years. 

Have Custom Blinds Fitted

The next thing you can do is to have custom blinds fitted. There are endless benefits to having custom blinds, with one of them being they help to make your home much more energy efficient. When you have blinds that fit perfectly, the amount of cold air that can enter and the amount of heat that can leave are significantly reduced. This means that it takes far less energy to heat your home and to keep it warm. You can also opt for special energy-saving fabrics which enhance this even further! 

In terms of other benefits, you can customise the style options completely, giving you so much more flexibility than if you were to buy pre-made blinds for a department store. This is the same when it comes to the colour and design choices, too! 

This might seem like an obvious benefit, but when they fit perfectly, they just look so much better in your home. We could go on and on about the benefits of custom blinds, and again, although this is a big investment, they will last at least a decade and will make such a big difference over the years. This can really help to transform your home

Wash Your Clothes At A Slower Temperature

Now that we’ve covered the larger investments, it’s time to introduce a few things that you can do in your home that won’t cost you anything! The first thing you can do is to wash your clothes at a lower temperature. When you wash your clothes at a lower temperature, you will be cutting C02 emissions, saving energy and generally helping the environment. 

Not only this, but when you wash your clothes less often, they are much less susceptible to damage such as fraying or fading. This means that they will last so much longer! So, you will be saving energy and saving money by not having to replace your clothes as often. You could also wash your clothes less often, only doing so when it’s completely necessary. This will mean you are washing less often, also helping with saving energy and the duration that your clothes last! 

Defrost Your Freezer 

This might sound like a strange one, but defrosting your freezer can actually save money. Defrosting your freezer once a year means that there is less ice buildup in your freezer. When there is lots of ice, your freezer has to work much harder to make sure that it keeps everything cold, therefore, meaning it uses more energy. 

Also, when your freezer is really icy, the internal parts may be frosted up, restricting the air-flow and therefore making the fan work harder. This is such a simple task that could make a difference in the long run! 

If you can, eat everything in your fridge and freezer so it’s completely empty, then turn it off. Place towels around the freezer so that when the ice defrosts, all of the water is caught. Once the freezer is fully defrosted, make sure it is completely dry to avoid any remaining water freezing and then you can turn it back on. It usually takes 3-4 hours for it to get back to the temperature it needs to be, then you can fill it again. 

There are so many different things you can do to make your home more eco-friendly this winter and now is the best time to do it!