
How to Study Better In 2018: 10 Tips to Help You Succeed?

The New Year gives us the opportunity to review the various study methods that work for us and identify areas in which you can improve. The following study tips will help you improve your strategy to achieve your academic goals and ambitions for 2018.

Take a look at these 10 study tips and discover how to study better in 2018.

1) Establish Study Goals

If you have defined your study goals at the beginning of the academic year, January is the ideal time to stop and review your progress in the past months. Ask yourself key questions such as; did I set realistic goals? Do I need to work harder to reach my goals? Make sure your study schedule is based on your study objectives and that both are closely linked.

2) Build a Curriculum

It breaks with the habit of leaving studies for exams for the last minute designing an effective study calendar. Leaving the studies for the last hour should be the resource for those students who have no other option left. Do not become that student; it is not a sustainable way to learn. Take the time to prepare and prioritize your curriculum to stay motivated until the end of the school year.

3) Take Regular Breaks

You are not a superhero, so there is no human way that you can do everything without giving yourself a break to recover from the effort made. Planning your study routine including time for you and study breaks is important for several reasons. A study conducted in the United States proved that a 20-minute walk before an exam boosts your brain capacity. This idea can also be applied to daily studies.

4) Take advantage of New Technologies

Are you one of those who believes that studying is limited to using a pen, paper, and a textbook? The educational community has progressed to a new level in recent years and nowadays technology is key in practically every class.

5) Challenge yourself

It’s strange but, if you think about it, sometimes you just need to enter an exam so you start forgetting everything you’ve learned. The remedy for this phenomenon that many students like you suffer from is preparing yourself mentally for the pressure and stress of an exam. Therefore, regularly face timed tests is one of the best alternatives to get used to these types of situations. The more you practice, the better results you will get.

Take this opportunity to evaluate yourself both physically and mentally. Do you notice that your body is not giving up? Stop saying “I’m sleep deprived” or “I’m eating too much junk food” and do something about it! Make the change and you will see how it positively affects your study routine. This way you will stay motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle from now on.

7) Be Positive

Your attitude has a great impact on the amount of time you can devote to studying and the effectiveness of your learning process. If you continue to say that you cannot do it and do not commit to the idea of learning, any attempt to study will become even harder for you. Keep your forehead up high and be positive. You are the owner of your future. If you are going through a moment of weakness, check out some of the best motivational phrases that will definitely inspire you.

8) Collaborate with Study Partners

At this stage of the course, you should already know your classmates fairly well. This is a good time to select a couple of study partners with whom you know you work well and who are motivated to achieve good grades like you.

9) Convert Lessons into Stories

Everyone loves to read or listen to a good story. In addition, the stories not only entertain us but also make the information last in our memory for a longer time. This can become a very powerful weapon if we apply it to our study correctly and intend to give life to our lessons through stories that generate reactions in our brain.

10) Establish a Good Study Routine

Your study routine involves more than planning what to study and when. One of the areas in which you have to fix is the learning environment. Find a place of study that is quiet and has few distractions. You can also try changing the table in the library each day and see how it works for you.

Author Bio

Lara Hawkins is a highly experienced, professional and qualified in the field of online education management and expert career consultancy. Lara started working professionally at a well-known assignment help service UK based company and excelled as a professional consultant within a few years.