
How To Treat Bladder Cancer

Cancer is simply the growth of cells that are not normal inside the body. These cells replicate and then form a mass that are known as tumors. When we talk about bladder cancer, these cells grow inside the bladder. This type of cancer is often seen in the people who are in their 60’s. Experts are still not sure about the cause of bladder cancer, but smoking or exposure to chemicals is one of the reasons that increases the risk of bladder cancer.

The change in the DNA is one of the reasons for the people suffering from bladder cancer. When your bladder lining is exposed to chemicals for a long time, the cells inside changes and result in the person suffering from bladder cancer. Some parasites that cause Schistosomiasis and radiation treatment are also the reasons for bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer is more likely to occur in frequent smokers than nonsmokers.



The treatment for bladder cancer entirely depends on the stage where cancer has progressed. Your doctor will always consider your age and health before starting with the treatments. Bladder cancer can be treated if diagnosed in the early stages. The treatments may include:


One cannot prevent bladder cancer but can reduce the risk of getting into it.