
How to Wash Sheets and Bed Linens Without Ruining Them

How to Wash Sheets and Bed Linens Without Ruining Them

The average person sleeps for a whole third of their life. That’s a lot of time spent in bed, cozying up under our sheets and blankets. It’s fair to say, then, that we deserve to splurge a bit on the best bed linens and to learn how to care for them so that they’ll provide a comfortable, clean and peaceful place for rest and reinvigoration. Here are a few tips on how to properly clean your bed sheets and linens.  

Read Instructions

Whether you are washing silk, linen, cotton or duvets, you should be sure to read the provided instructions so as to know how to properly care for the fabric. Most pillowcases and sheets can be cleaned at home but some might require special care so check the tag!

Use the Correct Temperature

While polyester sheets don’t require very much special consideration and can be washed in any temperature water from cold to hot, linen and cotton bedding is a bit more particular. All cotton shrinks so in order to expand the life of these type of sheets, keep your temperature more in the range of lukewarm. The same goes for linen, which can also thrive on a gentle cycle.

Use Gentle Detergents

Harsh detergents can damage fine quality sheets so save them for use on harder working, sturdier fabrics like denim and cotton dishcloths and towels. Instead, opt for gentle detergents such as those designed for baby wear, in order to lengthen the life of your bedding. If you’re sensitive to chemicals, using gentler cleaning products might also be safer for you in the close contact environment of sheets against skin.

Sort by Color

Dark sheets should never be washed with light colored fabrics. For one, the dye might run, permanently ruining your pure white cotton pillowcases. But even if those rich shades of tobacco and indigo are locked in, washing darks and lights together can gradually cast a greyish pall over lighter fabrics, making them looking more and more dingy as the years go by.

Hang To Dry

If you do have a clothesline, use it. The gentler drying method will extend the life of your sheets and give you that wonderful fresh, outdoorsy aroma that no fabric softener can emulate. Plus, there’s the bonus of saving energy use – good for both the planet and your wallet. But if this isn’t possible, don’t overdry your sheets (thereby stressing the fibres). Instead, tumble dry on a low setting and take them out as soon as they are done, in order to reduce wrinkling. Iron, if desired.

Try these tips to extend the lifespan of your high-quality bedding and to ensure that your linens always create a gorgeous, comfortable and cozy bed. Sweet dreams!