
Infographics: 10 football stadiums that are trying to save the planet

Football and energy efficiency are probably not two phrases that you would instantly associate with each other. Despite this, many professional teams and sporting organizations around the world are waking up to the fact that the sport has a huge impact on the environment. Things like transporting thousands of fans to the stadium, lighting the pitch during evening matches, and even just watering the grass can all consume large amounts of energy and other resources.

To celebrate the 2018 World Cup, Eversmart Energy decided to take a look at ten football stadiums around the globe that have gone to incredible lengths to clean up their act. Whether it’s by installing solar panels on the roof, building with sustainable materials or recycling rainwater, these teams are making a serious effort to reduce their carbon footprint and lessen their impact on the environment.

The infographic below was designed by Eversmart Energy – a gas & electricity supplier based in Manchester, UK. You can view the original version here.