
The Very Low-Calorie Diet for Weight Loss

The Very Low-Calorie Diet for Weight Loss

There are many diets that you might have tried in the past few years but didn’t get the best result. Most of the people love to try very low-calorie diet plan because they think this is the best way to lose weight.

A very low-calorie diet plan can be the best way to lose weight, but if you are not motivated enough to lose weight, you can’t be able to lose the right amount of weight.

Some people are not aware of the tricks that can help them to lose weight fast. This is the reason they go for low-calorie diet plans. There is no short cut to weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you have to add some changes in your diet plans.

A healthy diet plan is key to successful weight loss. Body shaming has become a crime in our society because most of the people body shame each other, and it can cause obesity as well.

If you feel that you are body-shamed, then I would suggest you read my article, because today I am going to share some steps through which you can lose weight in no time.

What is a Low-Calorie Diet Plan?

In a low-calorie diet plan, you can lose up to 800 and 1500 calories. This diet plan can be very strict about following, but if you know the right methods, you can easily lose weight with the help of this diet plan.

Some people follow this diet plan because they want to lose weight fast in a short time. This can be quiet a difficult task, but if you know the right methods, you can easily follow it.

Many low-calorie diets are made in such a way that they help to lose 800 calories in one day. This is done by eating fewer amount of food such as grapefruits, vegetables, and many more.

You can also call the low-calorie diet plan like an 800 calorie diet plan. Like I have mentioned above, this diet plan helps to lose 800 calories in one day.

This diet plan is not the same as other replacement diets because you have to eat at least one or two meals to get the best results.

In this diet plan, you have to count your calories, so make sure to count each food you consume daily.

You can count calories by buying these amazing fitness watches that will help you to understand which food has more calories.

Is the Low-Calorie Diet Plan Effective for Women?

This diet is very effective for women because it helps to control thyroid issues. If your doctor says, your BMI is around 30 than a very low-calorie diet plan will help you to lose around 5 pounds per week.

People having IBM over 30 are known as obese people, and for them, it is very important to lose weight fast. In this time, an only low-calorie diet is the best way to lose weight fast.

The ideal BMI for Women is 22. It can also be between 18.5 and 24.9.

If your BMI is above this range, then it means you have to follow a diet plan so you can feel safer and healthy. This can be quite tough for you for the first time, but if you are motivated enough to take the challenge, you can easily lose much weight.

Being overweight can be a mess because you have to face so many things, such as depression, obesity, high blood pressure, and many more.

In this time, you need something which can help you to lose weight fast and for that low-calorie diet plan will do the work.

You can also try a different diet plan as well, such as a zero-calorie diet plan, calorie restriction diet plan, and many more. All of these diet plans are very effective for women and helps to shed pounds in a few weeks.

Is it safe for your Health?

Yes, this diet plan is safe for your health because it contains all the healthy meals. These meals will help you to lose weight fast. Moreover, you have to be careful about the exercise, because if you are eating 800 calories per day, you can’t do high-intensity workouts.

Moreover, if your IBM is above 30, then low-calorie diet plans can be very helpful for you. This diet plan is best for those who are overweight and want to lose those extra pounds.

This diet is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women because it can cause many health issues. Moreover, if you are a teenager, then I would recommend you not to try this diet plan in any case.

This diet is not good for people who are above 50 and also for those who are on medications.


7 Days Low-Calorie Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Here is the 7 days low-calorie diet plan for weight loss that you can try, and this plan will also work best for those who are above 100 kg. Using this diet plan, you can consume 800-1000 calories per day.

In case if you feel low while following this diet plan you can add some more foods which will provide you proteins and minerals.

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Breakfast Skimmed milk, a ½ cup of oatmeal with protein powder Skimmed milk with protein powder ½ pear with whole wheat egg ½ low-fat cheese, brown bread, egg white 1-ounces turkey sausage, one pineapple, one single wheat slice 4-5 ounces of fat-free sugar, 2 tablespoon cereal Banana, ¼ cup of skimmed milk and one cereal
Snack Non-fat milk, a protein drink ½ apple+ 1 low-fat cheese 1 cup skimmed milk Cottage cheese +2 dried plums Fat-free milk and drink 1 tablespoon peanut butter on apple 4 ounces of fat and sugar-free yogurt
Lunch 3 teaspoon vinaigrette, 2-4 ounces chicken with salad 1 slice whole bread, 2-3 ounces of turkey 1 cup green beans, 2-grain crackers, and one-ounce pork 1 low-fat cheese, grilled chicken with salad A boiled egg with some beans 1 fruit with one lettuce and one-ounce ham Tuna salad with whole crackers
Snack Non-fat milk, a protein drink ½ apple+ 1 low-fat cheese 1 cup skimmed milk Cottage cheese +2 dried plums Fat-free milk and drink 1 tablespoon peanut butter on apple 4 ounces of fat and sugar-free yogurt
Dinner Grilled fish Chicken Lunch salad Grilled fish Vegetables Follow day 1 Vege salad

With the help of this diet plan, you can easily lose weight in no time. Not just that, it will also help you to lose extra calories. You will feel active while using this diet plan.

This diet plan will also help you to reduce belly fat fast.

Are there any side Effects of a Low-Calorie Diet Plan?

There are no such side effects of following a low-calorie diet plan because it’s one of the best weight loss diet plans. This diet plan is best for your health and will also help you to lose weight fast.

Moreover, if you want to follow this diet plan, you have to worry about the precautions which I have mentioned above.

Some of the minor side effects of this diet include:

This diet plan gives fast result, so make sure to follow it regularly. You can follow a simple workout plan, such as yoga with this diet.

Final Words   

It takes a lot of courage to follow a diet plan because most of the people leave them in the end. If you are also one of those who want to follow a diet plan, then I would suggest you have a look at this diet plan.

This diet plan will help you to get the best results in less time. You can also comment below and can share your own stories with us. Cheers.