
Plan Your Workout Regime For Best Results

Plan Your Workout Regime For Best Results

If you are one of those who have been looking forward to lose excess weight that too in a specific time, then you need to hit the gym at the earliest. You must have tried several home remedies and exercises but nothing manages to offer the expected results. You need not to lose hope as there is nothing impossible in this world. Losing weight is a process that require discipline and a well planned routine. To make things easy for you, we bring you few simple workout tips that will help you remove excess weight without much worries.

  1. Start with Warm Up
    When you start your work out regime, you can initiate with ten minutes cardio session. This 10 minutes session would let you do wonders. You will need to hold dumbbells in your both hands and followed by this hop on treadmill. The speed would be near to brisk walking speed. The weight of dumb bells need to be between 3 to 5 pounds. Followed by this perform one-minute set of biceps curls and shoulder presses. Make sure you do not miss the side laterals. This will tone your upper-body.
  2. Run to Lose Weight
    Once you end the running sessions, you will have to add wall sits to the sessions. This would help you in strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Also, when you perform this on daily basis, you will experience sudden enhancement in your workout speed. Next, perform squads while keeping your feet at shoulder-width distance while you lean against the wall. The trick is to create a pose that inclines at 45 degrees. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds. It is important that while you perform such intense workout, you wear clothes that lets you stretch. You will have to select work out ensemble that lets you breathe well. Having a look at reviews of Fabletics workout clothes makes it pretty clear that you can rely upon them for the perfect workout.
  3. Get a Jumping Rope
    When you get a jumping rope at your service, you can be sure that you have a workout session that is all fun filled. To can offer a great treat to your body when you jump a rope at high intensity. Technically, a jumping rope can burn nearly 26 calories per minute. To start with, perform normal jumps for about 5 minutes. Followed by this increase the intensity and jump twice as high as before.
  4. Note Down the Progress
    Last but not the least, keep a note of the result that follows. Your hard work pays only when you have the desired results in front of you. You will need to ensure that you keep a track of all the progress that you have been making throughout the workout tenure. A result card would let you stay motivated at all times.

All you need to do now is to get the perfect sportswear and start following the exercise regime suggested in this guide.