
Pushing For Sobriety In An Addictive Culture

The battle for and against drug or alcohol use seems almost timeless in American culture. It seems there will always be camps at both ends of the spectrum of belief in whether indulging in addictive substances is good or bad. Ultimately you need to make the decision to gain total sobriety by gauging how it is affecting your life. Are you truly happy? Have you lost more than you have gained? Maybe it is time to look into getting your life back on track and break free of addictions.

The Constant Mixed Signals of Addiction and Popular Culture

There have been many times in American culture that deep divides existed in the opinions and use of drugs and alcohol. The 1920’s saw the complete prohibition of alcohol, but speakeasy’s sprang up that provided alcoholic beverages to the hardliners refusing to give it up. The 1960’s ushered in an era of freedom that enticed youth to experiment with all sorts of drugs, including hallucinogenics like PCP. They opted to live as outcasts in communes to avoid the segment of population against drug use. There is a push today for the legalization of marijuana, yet the country is plagued by a heroin and fentanyl overdose count that is unprecedented. It seems each generation has a new struggle with the same enemy: addictive substances.

Will the Straight Edge Movement Last?

The Straight Edge movement began back in the 1980’s in the punk culture and continues at some levels to this day. It encourages young people to turn away from drugs and alcohol as a tool for looking cool. Popular bands and celebrities have come forward to tell their tales of woe in dealing with addictions in the hopes of reducing the problem in popular culture. It has shown some success, but it has lost some ground in the push to legalize pot.

What It Takes to Overcome Addictions

It takes more than sheer willpower to overcome a drug and alcohol addiction. You need a strong support system, method of detoxification and ongoing therapeutic counseling to stay sober. Becoming addiction free means making a total commitment to change what needs changed inside and outside of your body to create a foundation for success. This may mean getting people out of your life that encourage and enable addictive behaviors.

Inpatient Detoxification Programs

Inpatient detoxification programs are an absolute necessity when you are dealing with a substance abuse problem that will create a dangerous amount of withdrawal symptoms after cessation. Being in a hospital or clinic environment during the withdrawal process means you have 24/7 medical staff at your access to help if you are feeling uncomfortable or experience symptoms that need controlled through medications. This is the safest way to detox from strong addictive substances like heroin and heavy alcohol use.

Outpatient Detoxification Programs

Lighter addictions that will offer less uncomfortable or dangerous withdrawal symptoms are perfect for outpatient detoxification programs. You can show up every day and take part in recovery programs without having to stay all of the time. It is ideal for those that are trying to maintain employment as they reach recovery goals. An initial assessment will determine which detox programs are best for your particular needs.

Rapid Detoxification

An increasingly popular detoxification method for strong drugs like heroin is rapid detox. You are placed under general anesthesia and are unconscious for the most difficult part of severe withdrawals. There are a few risks in staying under anesthesia for long periods of time, but many opt for this method to avoid the excruciating symptoms of serious withdrawal.

Staying On Track

The mood of popular culture towards alcohol and drugs has no real bearing when it comes down to assessing your life and the damage addiction causes. Being hooked on drugs or alcohol can cost you a job, home, relationship, children, friends and family. Serious addiction can even cost your life from overdose or untreated depression leading to suicide. It is important to guard your new found sobriety and stay on track to becoming addiction free. Find a sponsor, involve supportive friends and family and follow through with your commitment to stay drug or alcohol free.

Contact qualified professionals that can assess your recovery needs like elevationshealth.com and start the road to successful sobriety today!