
SEO v/s Content Marketing Or SEO With Content Marketing: Which Is Better?


Content marketing is an integral part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Even few years back, the technical aspects of SEO involved in optimizing a site for search engines were considered to be the primary focus for any SEO specialist. However, in today’s scenario, it is quite common for websites to have all essential elements of SEO firmly in place. Most SEO firms know these guidelines in and out. So, what makes a site more successful than the other? In other words, what decides the success and effectiveness of an SEO strategy or campaign over others? Well, the answer is content marketing. Leading Lebanon based SEO companies are devising SEO strategies driven by content marketing.

Around 20 years ago, Bill Gates famously quoted, “Content is King”. It is a fact that content has always been a critical element of SEO and other online marketing strategies. It is more so in current times where search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, etc are giving more weight and preference to sites with high quality, relevant content. Through consistent output of awesome content, you can gain targeted traffic and high brand exposure. Content marketing is the proven way to differentiate yourself from the crowd and win traffic.

More and more SEO firms are diverting their time and energy towards content marketing rather than technical aspects of SEO. According to some recent reports published by B2BMarketingInsider.com, 90% of business organizations are indulging in content marketing, even if they lack a documented process. The reports also state that more than a quarter of a marketer’s budget is being spent on content marketing. The trend is highlighting two major facts that organizations have started believing in –

So, does that mean that we should only focus on content marketing and leave all technical aspects of SEO aside? Well the answer is a ‘no’. SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. In order to achieve maximum results from your online marketing strategy, both SEO and content marketing should feature in your strategy. This is what most reputed Lebanon based SEO firms are currently doing.

The total available time and effort must be distributed in a logical manner between technical SEO work and content marketing. Initially, all efforts must be diverted towards setting up the technical SEO and all its elements ranging from keywords to sitemap to site redesign to on-page optimization, etc. as per new search standards. Ensure to follow all guidelines so as to avoid Google penalties. Once the road is set, it’s time to focus on quality content marketing. Consistent and sustainable efforts are required for a successful content marketing strategy.

Both SEO and content marketing are important for your online success. Make a judicious mix of the two and ensure your success.