
Students Pledge Not To Text And Drive

Students Pledge Not To Text And Drive

As any driver will be able to confirm, the dangers of being distracted whilst driving are huge. In order to be safe on the road, drivers need to concentrate at all times. A lack of concentration could lead to an accident which could put the driver, their passengers, other drivers and passengers and pedestrians in serious danger.

However, despite the many dangers of being distracted on the road, there is a growing problem of texting whilst driving. The dangers of texting whilst driving have been covered by a number of safety commercials and advertising campaigns. However, the number or motorists who use their cellphones to text whilst driving continues to rise.

In answer to the growing problem, a group of students from two Waukesha high schools recently took a pledge against texting whilst driving. The pledge was organized by two students and received support from a further 500 students who all signed the pledge and allowed their photographs to be taken as they did so.

The move received support from local politicians and communications giant AT&T who have launched an initiative known as “It Can Wait” which aims to educate on the dangers of texting whilst driving.

In addition to text messaging, there are also calls for a blanket ban on the use of cell phones in cars as taking calls, updating social media and, of course, texting can cause distraction.

For its part, Arlington Texting and Driving causes countless accidents and injuries, and it is hoped that the initiative will be the first of many.