
Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips

As a homeowner, one is often faced with many challenges when it comes to the maintenance of one’s home. One of the more labor intensive aspects of this investment is the swimming pool. A pool owner is constantly having to clean the pool and maintain the chemical balance of the water. But over time, wear and tear will make it necessary to resurface the pool. One common question most first time pool owners have is when is it time to resurface?

While there is no hard timetable to resurfacing a pool, it is generally accepted that it will be required around the eight to ten year mark and at least once in the lifetime of the pool. There are many factors that will determine the speed of which your pool surface will deteriorate. Surface type, physical wear, chemical compounds and weather all play a role in how soon an owner will need to resurface.

The type of pool surface in use is a key factor. While common white plaster is a popular choice due to its smooth texture and appearance, it will be more susceptible to all water conditions. Another popular choice comes in the form of ceramic coated aggregate products. These products are essentially colored ceramic-coated sand mixed into plaster. Aggregates are far more durable than standard plaster but is also more expensive. Water quality also effects the decay of a pools surface. The harsh chemicals used to keep the water clean and safe from harmful organisms also accelerates the breakdown of the plaster compounds. Physical wear can be from occupant use as well as the normal cleaning process. Weather can also have a negative impact on the pool surface. Extreme cold and temperature fluctuations will also add to the process.

Regardless of the surface type, there will be signs to look for that will indicate it is time to resurface. Chalking is a good sign that it may be time to resurface. Chalking is the development of a chalky residue on the surface of a pool. If the pool is allowed to deteriorate, an owner will notice scaling and light shading. Discoloration, cracking and delamination may occur in extreme cases. In any case, it is recommended that once signs of decay are noted, steps should be taken to repair the pool before structural damage occurs. If an owner fails to maintain their pool, it could lead to more costly repairs and possibly replacement of the pool itself.