
The Importance Of Regular Check-ups For Your Health

Regular medical checks, coupled with simple prevention habits, such as not smoking and not drinking too much alcohol, eating healthy and doing physical exercises regularly, help to lead a healthier and happier life.

The Strange Behavior

While most people know that this is the key for a person to stay healthy, there are few who follow these recommendations to the letter. Although it sounds paradoxical, the reality is that the current wide range of medical tests can detect many diseases early on but, despite this advantage of the modern world, there are still many people who avoid going to the doctor’s.

Know Your Body

A proper check includes examinations, consultations and medical procedures suggested by national and international standards of preventive medicine, according to sex and age of the patient. Among adults, up to the age of 36 it is suggested that the general check-up is done once a year. It is essential, in all cases, to follow the advice of a physician. Besides general check-up, depending on the history of each person, different spot checks and preventive practices according to the age can be set.

Different Stages in Life

For children vaccination is essential, next to visiting the dentist throughout life, once a year. Teaching children the importance of regular check-ups will prove useful later in life.

In adolescence two of the greatest health risks are traffic accidents and suicide. A precautionary approach at this stage should include an assessment of how life is facing the young, emphasizing safe behavior such as using a seat belt and helmet, the imperative of not smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages and the fact of providing information on contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

At early adulthood and until age 36 for women it is essential to note issues related to menstrual cycles and pregnancy. The realization of an annual breast exam -a time to detect diseases that can be serious, such as cancer and gynecological mamas- is suggested.

From the 36, women often suffer significant hormonal changes until they reach menopause. Therefore it is suggested to pay special attention to the endocrine studies, and to control carotid doppler every four years in premenopausal and every 2 years after menopause.

Important Tests that should not be Neglected

Ergometer testing is recommended for the cardiovascular system, at least every two years as well as biannual chest radiography for non-smokers and smokers. An abdominal ultrasound is also recommended to evaluate organs such as liver, pancreas, kidney, uterus and ovaries, and cholesterol screening and prevention of heart disease every 3 years. From 45 years frequent blood sugar checks must be made. For men over 40, an annual prostate exam is recommended together with colonoscopy and a rectal exam. It is important to find a trusting doctor, or a professional clinic such as Incline Health, where the patient would feel safe and willing to visit regularly.

When You Reach a Certain Age

For women over 55 years the risks include osteoporosis, breast cancer and heart disease. Therefore, a good preventive counseling should include information on how to maintain strong bones and performing examinations to detect breast cancer. After 60 an annual review should be performed to rule out aortic aneurysms. From the age of 65 palpation of thyroid function analysis every one to three years and getting a vaccine for pneumonia are very important for both genders.

It is necessary to draw attention to the importance of prevention and medical check-ups. Preventive medicine remains one of the most simple and secure ways to control health and improve the quality of life.