
Things You Should Know About Exercising While Pregnant

As long as you’re in good medical condition and are experiencing a healthy pregnancy, you can exercise while pregnant. In fact, many obstetricians recommend it for your health and your baby’s health too. There are many benefits to exercising while pregnant but precautions should be taken.

Reduces Complications

Exercising during your pregnancy can reduce chances of complications in the delivery room and from certain conditions. Exercising may prevent you from getting pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure due to pregnancy. It can also increase your stamina for delivery and prevent complications while having your baby.

Reduce Pain

Most women experience some type of back and pelvic pain while they are pregnant and for some, the pain can become very uncomfortable. Stretching exercises can reduce back and pelvic pain by making your body stronger and more flexible. Also, stronger muscles will support your back and pelvis, which can also help prevent pain.

Helps with Constipation and Urinary Incontinence

Some women become constipated while they’re pregnant and doing regular exercises can keep everything moving along in your intestines. Also, urinary incontinence is a problem for some women, especially with foetuses bouncing on their bladders. Strengthening the pelvic floor can help prevent or reduce instances of incontinence.

Don’t Overdo Exercises

While exercising, you shouldn’t get to the point where are you having difficulty getting air into your lungs. Your baby relies on the oxygen in your body so panting to get air can put him or her in distress. Choose more gentle exercises to keep from straining to get air into your lungs.

Be mindful of your body while exercising because the changes in it could lead to injuries. As you enter the late stages of your pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin is released to allow your joints to become more flexible so space can be made for the baby during labour. However, if you exercise too vigorously or move the wrong way, you could dislocate joints in your lower body.

Your balance is going to be affected as your pregnancy progresses too. Due to your growing child, your belly will get bigger and heavier, which can throw off your balance while exercising. This is another reason why you need to choose less strenuous types of exercises to prevent injuries to yourself and your baby.

Recommended Exercises

If you’re used to running or lifting weights, you should suspend those activities during your second and third trimesters to prevent injuries and to keep from putting strain on your baby. Physiotherapists can create a program of pregnancy physio in Perth for you to do. They can show you how to stretch and ways to strengthen your muscles to support your changing body.

Some of the types of exercises they may recommend includes:

Taking care of yourself is of utmost importance and exercising three to four times a week can prevent many complications. It can also reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes and hypertension and reduce the stress and anxiety of pregnancy.